May 05, 2005 10:59
Man, if this isn't the most annoying cliche in shitty Hollywood actions movies..
Okay, here's the setup. Group of protaginists and standing around, talking about some sort of plan to beat the bad guys. It's really elaborate and absurd.
So then the token talkative/sarcastic guy chimes in with something like, "Okay wait wait wait wait, you mean to tell me that we're going to GO into the front door, face a barrage of 5 machine guns, blow up the wall, get the sciensts, build a bridge out of trees and small animals, AND THEN get 500 miles away in 5 seconds before the nuke goes off?!?!?!"
Then the token tough/quiet guy goes "Yeah, that's about it".
Then talkative/sarcastic guy makes some sort of "dramatic" pause, and goes "Let's do it!"