drabble: Overactive Antigen Presenting Cells is a Precursor to Allergic Reaction

Mar 22, 2009 00:30

Title: Overactive Antigen Presenting Cells is a Precursor to Allergic Reaction
Summary: It's allergy season at Hogwarts.
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape, James Potter.
Genre: Randomosity
Rating/Warnings: G for self deprecation
Word Count: 99

Red eyes, pallid complexion and greasy hair. Runny nose and a headache were making the potions class unusually excruciating. He perfected his potion, dismissed early for "outstanding work, Severus, as usual."

A premeditated wave of ragweed from a less than subtle Potter sent Severus into sneezes as he made his way to the dungeon door. It was at this time that Severus was glad for his hook nose ("Damn it") and mucus in proud Slytherin green landed all over Potter.

Though retaliation was sure to follow, the sound of an exploding cauldron made the bloody allergies worth it. Sadly.

drabble, james potter/lily evans, snape

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