Oct 27, 2008 02:18
Hey there, just thought I'd give an update on the life of me. I had an awakening of sorts and realized that I can no longer get down a single solitary step. I now have to go up and down a ramp. I have known it was coming I just guess ignorance really is bliss. I have been very depressed about this as to me it is just one step closer to loosing my freedom as an individual and that is something I have always cherished and savored. Is there a God? Like I heard on a show the other night, "there is no such thing as God, and if there is he is one cruel bastard". I often wonder this, for I have seen what will come of me and how I will be in the following years. It is not a sight for the weak. I have pissed and moaned enough so I will leave you with this, "Sometimes when you dream too long, your dreams become fantasy."