So, this is like a really late post. BUT OMFG I LOVED THE TEXAS DEM DEBATES. GAAAAAAH. I want to download it all. I felt sorta ridiculous fangirling over political debates though, I'm not gonna lie. I was so proud of Hillary and Barack while I was watching them [Yes, we are on a first name basis]. I love how passionate they both are and I feel confident that both of them could do an amazing job.
And I wasn't going to yell it out, but JON BROUGHT IT UP!!!!! I kinda want to ship Hillary and Barack. *facepalm* The way they were arguing towards the end about Barack's 'borrowed' speech material, and Barack was like 'Wait, Hillary that's not-' and then Hillary was like 'No, Barack. It is' and I was like *HEART CLUTCH* squeeee.
I feel guilty about this, I really do.
If Barack takes the dem nod and doesn't pick Hillary as his running mate (which he probably won't) then I really want him to pick Edwards. I want either of them to pick Edwards. EDWARDS! Come back, I miss you.
I want Edwards and Barack to debate together and... stuff. I blame you
likespring. ;] <3
Last Tango In Cleveland, Feb 27th LMAO BRIAN WILLIAMS.
I'm still unsure about the health care issue. I want everyone to be covered. I'm not sure what will work.
Admit it you two. You're falling in love.
Wouldn't that be nice if they did? I think he'd be good to her.
YES Immortal insurance! hehehe.
Okay so Jon was a little harsh on Hillary. But I still love him and it was hilarious.
Okay I know I've lost it when the TDS
Satallite Car reminds me of the Impala.
WOOT DEMS. I love how in the interview with Jon Stewart, Hillary is confident that even if Obama wins, the Dems will pull together. Which we will.
Bush dancing is fucking hilarious. Being president is hard, Okay?
D'awww. Bush and McCain. Who thinks they make a cute old couple? ;p
I'm watching the Colbert Report-
PS Saving this
Jensen Interview Link even though it's really old.