3.09 Malleus Maleficarum

Feb 06, 2008 20:18

Sorry if this stuff has already been said; I just thought I would post my 2000 cents. ;] THIS WHOLE POST HAS SPOILERS! I just cut up the different parts. ;p

SQUEEEEing first!!!
SAM AND DEAN AND THEIR HURTY ACHY EPIC LOVE!! *faintthud* Holy Padackles. 4 EPIC BOY!Touching scenes. *hearth clutch*
Let me number them for you. *is a dork*
1. Hex bag trade off with Jared's Sam's hand on Jensen's Dean's arm and his other giant hand on Dean's hand.
2. Dean almost!Shooting Ruby and Sam wrestling him for the gun.
3. Dean starting to dry-heave because it's like knives are in his freaking chest (right when they were going to make a breakthrough in conversation too) and Sam grips his knee. HIS FUCKING KNEE. And then Dean grabs for him as he tears off to find the hex bag.
4. After Ruby takes care of the evil!demon and Dean half drags/half carries Sam out of the room. I REALLY REALLY LOVE IT when Dean drags Sam anywhere. And vice versa ;] I think they've been dragging each other pretty equally as of late.

Visual Aids:



Close. So close. ♥

Caps credit Screencap Paradise. Coloring by me.

So as everyone knows, I love my snarky Dean. When he was on the phone with the 911 caller to report the dead witch and he was like "My name? Ya sure my name is-" *HANGS UP*
Hehe. Awesome.

"Put a leash on your brother, Sam. If you want to keep him!"
Oh, Ruby. I'm starting to appreciate your snark. If only for this one line.

"Oh I don't know maybe becuase he's my brother"
You tell her, Dean. Or rather what you really meant to say- BECAUSE I LOVE HIM.

"Let me try to save him since you won't be here."
*CRIES* No WONDER Dean takes out the gun. This is the one thing that scares Dean the most- that he won't be there to save Sam. Notice how when Sam faced the crossroads demon, it was when she said that Dean was going to die no matter what that he pulled out the gun and decided to shoot her. The boys being all brain-twins-like is intriguing; I can't say it's my favorite aspect of the show, but it REALLY works because it shows how in sync they are. And they still have their own identities too. Even though that's being challenged, with the way they are slowly changing places. I mean, Sam running to Dean when he's in pain, holding him, rushing away to try and save his life with Dean just crying out for Sam- that's a total reversal. I do like the mirroring, especially in this case. But I hope it doesn't get confused with 'taking the easy way out' and not coming up with new material. Because Smallville just started abusing the mirroring affects until it seemed they had nothing new.

"You feeling okay?"
"Why are you always asking me that?"
WHY DO YOU THINK, SAM?! I love this whole scene. We could right a giant subtext dictionary for these boys and almost everything they say, seriously. Haha, I bet Kripke would love that.

When Dean stabs the demon like 50 times, but then gently lets her fall to the ground- Wow. That's Dean from 'Bloodlust'. That's Sam from 'Fresh Blood'. It's like Dean had to assert that he is in fact still the same Dean he's always been becuase of the Sam and Dean convo in the motel earlier. And/Or both Sam and Dean are reaching their limits. Which would make a lot of sense. Time is running out for both of them and they don't even know what will happen when the figurative clock strikes midnight.

So I looked it up, and the episode title comes from an an ancient book-

The Malleus Maleficarum (Latin for "The Hammer of Witches", or "Hexenhammer" in German) is one of the most famous medieval treatises on witches. It was written in 1486 by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, and was first published in Germany in 1487.

So this sort of relates to John's journal becuase it used to be the boys' guide to dealing with the Supernatural. And this ancient book was written to guide people in how to combat witches. Since the boys don't use their dad's journal anymore, I wonder if this is a nod to something in the future- like the boys writing their own journals. OR it just represents how the boys had to combat the witches with everything they already know and can find out. Or Sam is the Mallues Maleficarum. Or I'm just over-analyzing this whole thing, haha.

What I found really interesting:
The Malleus Maleficarum asserts that three elements are necessary for witchcraft: the evil-intentioned witch, the help of the Devil, and the Permission of God.

The girls weren't exactly evil-intentioned, they just weren't true- they wanted to benefit themselves. And it's weird that the 'permission of God' was included. I guess it's simply becuase during medieval times, and now, everyone wants to believe God is more powerful than the devil. I can understand why, even being not-religious at all.

*Disclaimer: The following are my musing on works of FICTION and I totally am delving into imagination and theory right now. As it relates to FICTION. As in Supernatural.*

What Ruby said got me thinking:
"I don't believe in the devil"
If she doesn't believe, that means she hasn't seen him, right? And since she's been in hell we are to assume that either the Devil is no longer one figure in total power down there, or there never was an ultimate power down there (in terms of our show).

"There's a real fire in the pit, agonies you can't even imagine"
Supernatural has chosen to represent hell in the modern-day view: the fiery pits and all. What's interesting to me is right now we are starting our Frankenstein unit and reading over classical interpretations of Hell, becuase of Mary Shelley's reference to this classical Hell in her novel. The works we have read-
Paradise Lost and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner show hell as a place you have to journey to. Hell gets progressively colder until you get to the core, where everything is completely frozen and desolate and there is the devil sitting on this throne with the ultimate sinners forever stuck there serving him. The reason I bring this up is that even though the modern view of hell is very hot, most everything else about our perception of Hell comes from these works (and of course the bible, I would imagine). And what's important about these stories is that humans journey to hell, with a guide, and then are able to go all the way through and make it back out. Before the boys opened Hell's Gate [in Supernatural], no one could get out. But now there are demons everywhere; and Ruby is on their side. SO what if Sam did take control of the 'good' demons, like Ruby, and had them act as guides for Dean so Dean could climb all the way through? OR since Sam has demon blood, could he be that guide? I'm totally grasping at straws here, since there has GOT to be a loophole somewhere. Ruby says she has no idea how to save Dean, but I think she will play a part.

One of the other big works we read was Dante's Inferno and I found A virtual tour of Dante's Hell as explained in his epic poem, and the different levels are for different types of sins. This is referenced heavily in Frankenstein, and in Frankenstein a creature is brought to life from dead parts (as we all know). BUT doesn't this remind you of Sam? It's a bit of a stretch, seeing as how Dean didn't 'create' him and he was all in one piece, but he does have a giant scar on his back and is much more willing to kill- and much more violently at that. These are all Frankenstein-like characteristics that are consequences to Dr. Frankenstein's decision to use his knowledge of creating life- and Dean's knowledge of making deals.

Other things Ruby said that stuck out:
"I remember what it's like... being human"
Hmmm. I want to know more about Ruby's past. She sold her soul to be a witch, how great could her life have been as a human? And yet she is still on the Winchester's side. I think there is more to the story than she is telling. And making demons once human completely ties in with the show, I felt like we subtlety knew that all along. The show has always been about how you pay for your choices. And you always have a choice. They are continuing with that, only now it's harder to foresee what your choices bring and you have to deal with the consequences you didn't foresee. And you don't always have a choice anymore either.

"Sooner or later, Hell will burn away your humanity"
I can't remember who said it, but the line about 'the human mind creates it's own hell' is the one I'm thinking of. Even though Ruby said her speech wasn't supposed to be metaphor, I feel like it is. Becuase the very fact that he is going to Hell has created a Hell on Earth for him and for Sam. And both of them, in the face of a kill, are losing their humanity. The very thought of Hell consumes them. One in hell without the other would be like both being in Hell, only worse becuase they are separated.

EDIT: Malleus Maleficarum- Thanks soydolcelatte! <3

*Waits by TV until tomorrow night*

reviews, supernatural

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