Aug 01, 2011 20:09
Ola chickas! Great to see myself starting to snoop around in lj. It seems like everyone here in my flist were long gone(hope not). Still crossing my finger that was not the case. We find time for RL that holds our interest so we got sidetracked. Im still a frustrated writer as ever but I wont give up in writing something. If you ever want to know, I'm into reading Supernatural fics. I find my lj friends from spangel shipped to supernatural fandom which is totally inevitable since we see the chemistry from spangel mirrored in the J2 ship. And plus, two incredibly hot guys, what's not to like? I still am a sworn Spangel whore, but any good whore, I fancy other men too. *winks* big strong men. Hey if anyone read this just drop me a line. Agree. Disagree. Anything.