Happy Valentines Day all...

Feb 15, 2008 01:32

So with that out of the way... Update time.

I was trying to do homework while working tonight the problem is all the words that exist in my vocabulary leaked out my fingertips as soon as i had an ounce of sugar in my system. I've been trying to do something anything to fill up the time and reading mind numbing comics just isn't doing it anymore. i've suddenly hit that level of boredom where all the jokes on the laffy taffy packs seem funny. If you've been there you know how bad it is. I'm working as a DA for Birch/Hickory in my last semester of school. i have this part time job plus 7 classes. The good news? i have a loving boyfriend and in May I'll have a B.A in Writing, Rhetoric and Communications. Yay. I'm almost an adult now.

this is the moment i've waited for since i was 7. I'm an adult that will have a job and an apartment, the potential for a family and a happy life. So why is it so absolutely terrifying and supremely gratifying all at once. Fuck this growing up thing. I want to be 10 again. Then i could look forward to this coming life instead of being pushed kicking and screaming towards a future i'm not sure of (work place) and someplace where i could be happy for the rest of my life (with jamie)...

Oh my god... There are three guys here that just turned what to pick at the vending machine into a philosophical life changing decision. I'm voting for the fact that they were completely wasted and not nearly as entertained by it all as i was.

In any case my shift is coming to a close and with that i'll update more tomorrow... or rather today when the sun is up.

good night all

boredom, melancholy

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