Apr 23, 2004 18:46
got this offa christi's journal. yah.
last kiss: sad, but true, dylan, like 2 or 3 months ago.
last good cry: this morning in social studies i started to cry cos of a song mr rogers was playing. but i held back.
last library book checked out: wuthering heights
last movie seen: Alice in wonderland
last book read: Alice in wonderland
last cuss word uttered: faggot
last beverage drank: cherry coke
last food consumed: string cheese
last crush: sam
last phone call: britt, ash, and megan. SOMEONE COME OVER TO MY HOUSE!!!!
last TV show watched: MTV MAde
last time showered: this morning
last shoes worn: converse
last cd played: no doubt
last item bought: Alphabet beads
last thing downloaded: spark notes.com
last annoyance: slutty girl in my neighborhood
last disappointment: no one can come over. so i will be lonely yet again on a friday night
last soda drank: cherry coke
last thing written: cherry coke
last key used: e
last word spoken: yah
last sleep: last night
last sexual fantasy: for me to know. and you not to find out
last weird encounter: with well nevermind
last ice cream eaten: starbucks mocha chip
last time wanting to die: skipping this one. too personal.
last time in love: right now
time hugged: by hannah in last period today. because i hit her in the
head accidently with a paper ball and hugged her to appologize
last time scolded: today my mom got mad at me for leaving a plate in the living room
last time resentful: right this minute
last chair sat in: the one im in now
last shirt worn: turquoise softball jersey and white cami
last time dancing: last night
last poster looked at: uh...i dont know.