Dec 05, 2007 11:43
A question about belief was posted on the Christianity sorry if you wound up reading this twice.
I think that the word 'believe' has been treated by our culture similarly to the word 'love'
In many minds love is treated as an emphemral feeling, a nearly non-existent noun. The word love is actually a verb, it is something one does. To be 'in love' means to be the giver or recevier of acts of love.
belief is similar. in too many minds belief is just a feeling one has, an ephemral, nearly non-existent noun. Believe is actually a verb, to believe is to act in conguency with what is believed. If I believe a chair will support my weight, sitting on it is an act of faith conguent with my belief. If I believe that I am a sinner in need of a savior and that Jesus as both God and man died for my sins and rose from the dead so that I can follow him to eternal life, well then praying, studying the bible, going to church, doing works of service etc. are just as natural and integral to what I am as breathing or eating.
Having said all that I will add that it is not possible to believe in God without God's help. This is a kind of paradox but only when we think we have any power to do anything. It resolves neatly in the light of the truth that only God exists inside and outside all existence/universal time and space. If the universe was all in a box God is both inside (with us and everything) and outside (by himself) the box. In that light the undectable and yet undeniable God calls us to action and supplies all the material and power required for that action.
Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief!