Jun 16, 2009 19:24
Sniffed: Slightly cloudy yellow oil. Sour, heady florals. Jasmine and ylang ylang?
Wet: Same, very evil florals, with maybe a nasty sort of resin or incense?
Dry: Yeah I get a sort of sour smoky note now which reminds me VAGUELY of Gypsy Queen, bc it has a candle/beeswax undertone.
Later: I agree with the 'green olives' someone gets. But I think a sour straw/hay note is more likely the actual source of this sour-earthy scent.
Summary: It fades greatly with time, like all of the Panacea blends I've tried, but it's never something I like. Too sour/acrid/sharp with that vague smokiness.
reviewer: fairnymph,
bpal: panacea