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Jun 23, 2005 23:39

wow it's been like forever since I've updated. wellllll.. this weeks been pretty eventful lol

Monday- Hmm.. started gay ass drivers ed.. I swear to god our teacher is the most RETARDED thing ever. She's so slow & deaf pisses me right off lol anywayss.. monday I think I just chilled my loser ass at home for the night ? I dont really remember.. oh yeah Danny & Jordan came over & we just walked around for a little..

Tuesday-Drivers Ed; then went over Pat's house w/whitney & chilled with him, Joe & Collop. lmao that was too fun.. I couldn't even breathe chillin' with joe & collop they're so hilarious lol s0 yeah they just swam for a lil, then pat took us driving & we were 'getting food', but did something WAY better ;] lmao that was pretty fun if I do say so myself.. then after that I went home & watched the rest of the game..

Wednesday-mmmmmm... Once again, Drivers fucking Ed 3-5; then after that Danny & Jordan stopped by and drove over to their friend John's house ? lol I was sposed to go to Bora Bora w/them later on butttt never went :( but my brother came home w/Hakun, James & Vaught s0o that was a fun time. ;] lmaooo "wanna go talk in my car catherine" lmfao DONT EVEN WANNA THINK ABOUT IT.. :X

Todayyyy-Had drivers ed AGAIN; & before that Collop invited me & whitney to him & pats game, which he said was at 530, so i just went after drivers ed, but then i guess it ended up starting at 630?!?!?! yeh i was pissed cuz I had to stay up there for a long ass time.. but Sara chilled with me for a lil then went to cheerleading.. :( so yeah later whitney came and then my parents picked us up at like 7; we were sposed to chill w/collop & pat and watch the game but that never happened for some reason.. ? so Quincy & Jordan came and picked us up and we went to the gas station & they bought 1 black and mild.. 1 fucking black ? lol I thought it was hilarious cuz I didn't know you could do that..? lol but yeahhh.. we went over to quincy's friend Nate's house & boofed and watched the gameee.. it was hilarious tho, nate & quincy couldn't roll a joint.. so nate like begged his mom to roll it for us, and she was like "you shouldn't even be smoking if you can't roll this" lmao and then his dad came down and rolled us the 2nd one, and then they started arguing bout who can do it better lmao wow I wish my parents were like that ahha but Jordans drunk ass couldn't take us home, so Quincy drove us and Jordans got no seat belts in the backseat so all me & whitney could do was hold on ta life while ridin with quincy lmao its ok tho he's still a good driver ;] lol but yeahhh.. I'm out tho I'm gonna go watch the rest of this game & prolly pass out cuz i'm tired as hellll.. comment! =)


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