Thing 1 and Other Musings

Aug 15, 2007 08:43

So I went to look at the possible new apt and it turns out that it's not in the building that I thought it was.  It was across the street.  The building I'd seen and toured before has these gorgeous lofts and it's just a fantastic building.  The one that I looked at last night is well beyond it's poor relation.  It's a slum.

It's one of those old residential hotels and it's seedy as hell.  The company that built all of the lofts across the street is trying to gentrify this building as well, so they've got a few rooms on one floor [there are 14 or 15 floors alltogether, I believe] that they've converted into small lofts/studio apts.  The apts themselves are nice enough.  They had a great decorator that made them into modern, hip apts, but the problem for me is that most of the building is pretty bad.

I just couldn't live there.  It reminds me too much of when I was mentally ill and I had to live on skid row.  Desperation just seeps through the walls and I'm way too empathetic to cope with that.

So it's off my list.

I went over to Pete's for a diet coke and some dinner [I had the appetizer Wild mushroom ravioli with sage and mascarponi cheese sauce - and it was TO DIE] and spent about an hour just thinking about everything.  Then I went home and collapsed on my bed with the kitten frolicking here and there and playing with me.  I must say, one of the best things about having animals is that they're always so happy to see you when you get home.  Having him has made my life infinitely better.

But, to get back to the situation... I came to the conclusion that my room, my space, in my current apt was my sanctuary and that I could make it even more comfortable over time.  I thought that perhaps I'm meant to stay there for a while.  Maybe even for the next year.  The rent is ridiculously low and I basically spend all of my time in my room with the door closed doing my own thing anyway.  I can save loads of money and time will point me in the direction I need to go.  I just have to be patient and wait for it.

In the meantime, I'm taking
divan_diva's advice and installing a doorknob with a lock.  I think this is an excellent first step.  And because I'm staying there, I'll definitely have the money to furnish it and make it very nice and comfortable.

LOL, but that doesn't mean that Thing 1 won't continue to annoy me.  I've really got to get a grip on myself about this.  I mean, seriously, this should be amusing not stressful. :)))  He's just a boy and he's a bit of an idiot.  *grin*

Last night they had a little party on the back porch, which honestly I thought was nice.  They were all sitting outside, talking and drinking and smoking and it was a lovely night for it.  I felt a bit less "trapped" inside the party since they were out there and I was able to just see it from the outside and realize that it was a nice evening for them and that's a good thing.

LOL, but back to the annoyance factor.. I have this leather chair that won't currently fit in my room.  It's been sitting in the living room and of course I actually don't mind that people are using it.  Well last night it was out on the porch being used, along with some other chairs from inside the house, which I didn't mind, BUT this morning as I was leaving, I saw that my leather chair was the only one left outside.

I heaved a great sigh and had a wry smile.  I picked it up and carried it back inside.  I ran into Thing 1 and told him that I didn't mind their using the chair, but please don't leave it outside because it might get stolen.  He apologized.  So hopefully he will not do that again.

Thing 2 has actually made things more mellow for me, because Thing 1 is no longer focused exclusively on me.  Thing 2 nods and says hello to me and I to him, and I feel more comfortable than with Thing 1 - who is massively needy.

Oh, and one more Roommate Saga story, and then I'll stop. *grin*

Yesterday Thing 1 tried to tell me that he'd moved into the apt without paying the full rent.  "Wow, I said.  The landlord must be really cool, because I don't know anyone who will allow you to move in without paying the first month's rent."

"Oh, yes!  His sons went to USC and he owns a lot of buildings around so he works with people."

Ok, it could be true, but I'm not really convinced.  Thing 1 was moaning because he'd somehow spent $900 out of his checking account and didn't know where it went.  Cue me rolling my eyes when he's not looking.  So then he was trying to tell me that he has to pay double rent the first of September because he hadn't paid anything when he moved in on the 1st of August.


And that I should help him by paying him extra at the first of Sept because just for that one month he was going to be in trouble.


I very gently had him work through his logic on that one and pointed out that he had his math wrong on a couple of things.  I told him he should give more attention to finding someone to fill the last bedroom.  Previously, he'd told me that he wasn't really "motivated" to do so.  He's sort of vaguely shown the place, but apparently none of the people were "interested" and he's more into hanging with his friends than dealing with the "business stuff."

*le sigh*


I would be worried about eviction, but it does seem that he's at least concerned enough to begin casting about for money.  He told me the other day that his parents in India worry because he hasn't asked for money in the past few months, and that they've insisted on sending some to him.

Everything he says is such bullshit most of the time that it's difficult to separate the chaff from the wheat.  So I pretty much don't believe anything, lol!

I do feel he will pay the rent because it's the one thing I've seen him really serious about.  I hope that he'll fill the other room soon, because I think that would be helpful for him.  He seems a bit more serious now about finding a job than he was 2 weeks ago when I moved in.  He mentioned last night that he had a few leads and they sounded legit.  I'm glad.  He's asked me to keep an eye out for student jobs on campus for him, so I've brought him a few things.

Anyway, long story short - he gave up on trying to get me to give him more money and although he seemed annoyed that I came up with other options for him to try in order to have money in a couple of weeks when the rent is due, I think he has figured out that what he'll get from me is more in the suggestion area and I'm not going to allow him to bilk me.


Ag.  Well,
thalassatx  has her Crazy Irma and Fishstick, I have my Thing 1.  At least it makes for interesting blogging. XD

Happy Humpday!  Today I'm going to see the shrink to see about transferring to another shrink.  Wish me luck. :)

thing 1, roommate saga, new studio apt

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