Apr 01, 2006 22:42
I'm trying to think about something to update about but I seem to be drawing a blank. I've been playing Kingdom Hearts all day and I'll probably be playing it all day tomorrow as well, I fucking love that game! It takes a long time to get passed the prologue and actually play but once you do, it's great. I picked the beginner one but I think I should have done like a medium or something because it seems pretty easy so far. I'm sure it'll get harder as I continue to play though. We shall see.
So Justin is going into the National Guards. As Infantry. I'm happy for him, so happy, because this is something he's wanted for such a long time, but at the same time I'm worried. I don't want him going off to Iraq or anything. But whatever happens happens and I'll have to make the best of it. He's going to go to some Warrior training for a month in a few weeks, it'll be weird to not be able to talk to him at all. ::shrugs:: Oh well, I'll deal with it just fine :)
I got to see William yesterday! God I love that kid. I can't be excited about seeing Brian because I see his face every damn day. LoL, he's a good kid though, I like him a lot. And he's good for Samantha. He kisses her ass and that's the kind of person she needs as a boyfriend, someone she can walk all over. And that's Brian all right! He's just so damn easy to pick on! Atleast he's a good sport about it though. Most of the time anyway :)
Saw Brittany tonight which was great. Always lots of great laughs when she's around.
Going to Georgia in June for a week. Or atleast I think I am. I hope anyway. I wanna see my family. And my grandma is turning 75. And I miss Caleb so much. And Tonya and Brad. I really hope I can go. But I can't request off now because if I do my boss will say no because we're so short handed.
Speaking of my boss... she's going to be gone all this week! I'm so excited. It makes things so much easier when she's not around. I can't stand her. It's not that she's hard on anyone, she's just a bitch. Whatever though. I won't be there much longer. I know I know, I keep saying that... but I'm serious this time. I'm not staying for another Christmas season. Daniele's gone so I have absolutely no help with paperwork... and I'm just tired of it. Come September or October even if I don't have another job lined up I'm still putting in my two weeks notice because I don't want to be there another holiday season. It's time for me to move on....
Alright, I think I've done enough ramblings for now. Hope everyone enjoyed! And if you didn't then kiss my ass! :)
Bye Kiddies.