Letting go is my life; I'll be on my way.
ohman. last night i called sarah. and i was like., "lets talk". and shes like okay, so talk, then she was like.. no wait. im in the bath.
baha. so funny, then i took a shower, and she called me the second i got out. funny. so i had her on the phone for like an hour and a half . i think thats a sarah record! we talked.. about Spring break which we will be spending together. :) . im so excited. especially for Friday.whooota. Then our phones.. did something and we were disconnected for the rest of the night. we just dished out our problems.. and solved some too. Goood times with mah girrlie.
Then today. nothing good happened. Joey almost got jumped in 10th period. it was horrible. I cried. and then when this HUGE black kid went after him, i stepped in front of him, thinking "eh. ima girl hes not gonna do jack." well. he pushed me out of the way. i was so upset. REALLY scared too. thats okay. its alll good. then stayed after. walked 3 miles home with my friend Bryan, um. went to Tuttoring.. and uh. now im here. doing my homework.
Thats about it.
& me and sarah have a surprise for you all on Friday too.
i think i'll end up surprising myself too.
oh, its exciting. you'll all be soooo shocked.