All random passwords generated about this software are ready on your local computer only. No passwords are transferred beyond the Internet. Note, in any event, that cutting and pasting the fruit to complete a countersign switch longing cede a copy of the changed password in your clipboard buffer. Watch over yourself through clearing the clipboard once the switch is unmixed, or simply duplicate the follow-up manually.
Because JavaScript does not provender alternatives looking for the start of the source value, this utility as likely as not will profit by a set value from your computer's clock (depending on your browser's implementation of JavaScript or JScript). So in theory, at least, someone could put this program to engender the in any event passwords by simulating the fastidious times your passwords were generated.
Note that the characters in your passwords are generated song at a heretofore, so other factors inclination affect the outcome. For pattern, because your computer is hectic with profuse tasks at any settled consideration (unless you are running PC-DOS or something equally unlikely), the true measure a given integrity is generated would as good as be absurd to predict.
For all that, if you are paranoid -- or protecting management secrets, in which happening you are paid to be paranoid -- you can manually mutation in unison or more characters in front of changing your password.
Also available
password generator online