april 6th- april 8th
wade, frankie, and john walking to franks after school one day.
marc and alexa... <3
me and josh
josh l. and sarah
eric, frank, dan, jon, and billy
jim and jon
dan, frankie, jon, and jim
haha john
sarah, dylan, and matt
barry and cody raping dylan
anna and i were trying to take a picture together but frank had to be an attention whore
me and dylan bowling
kelly and billy
i basically love lindsey
babysitting at my church auction april 9th
baby and me
elijah and baby
april 10th wade and tara<3
they are cute.... admit it.
tanning at kellys april 13th
cock and balls april 16th
lindsey got her license!
dylan playing
billy playing
jon shaking billys hand
jon won or something so hes holding the balls
kel and anna
me kissing tara
hahaha T
gotta love her <3
4/20 =]
i put alexas mcdonalds stuff on and danced
at sarahs hahha
sarah at work
alexas kittens<3
KFC april 21st
billy, jon, dylan and wade eating
again... <3
april 23rd
T modeling her dress for me. She's beautiful<3
frankie, wade, and dylan betting ciggs
i ran around in the rain
aaron took me to mcdonalds before going to see the show
tara, nikki, kelly, and anna eating chiense food.
Poor Billy =[ april 24th
wade playing with bills crutches
frankie and billys little brother
dylan and wade
april 27th
aww wade<3
the smiths<3
and im pretty sure she didn't know i took this.... hehe.
mommy and sandra
john todd hahaha
comments would be nice...thanks<3