(no subject)

Feb 07, 2005 20:51

im tired ima go mimis now for a bit......
BananaMan1214 [8:43 PM]: fuck off
Shesohsoemo [8:44 PM]: what did i do?
BananaMan1214 [8:44 PM]: everything
Shesohsoemo [8:45 PM]: i find that very funny since i've always been nice too you i've never done any thing to you
BananaMan1214 [8:46 PM]: this is matt so fuck off
Shesohsoemo [8:46 PM]: okay so what did i do to you?
Shesohsoemo [8:46 PM]: matt who?
BananaMan1214 [8:47 PM]: the coolest hottest guy ever! now fuck off
Shesohsoemo [8:48 PM]: is it matt from NIR or Saved By None
BananaMan1214 [8:53 PM]: yeap
Shesohsoemo [8:53 PM]: witch one

BananaMan1214 [8:54 PM]: the cool one
Shesohsoemo [8:55 PM]: well any one you thinks they have a right to talk to me like that isnt cool i never did a thing to you.... you dont even know me
BananaMan1214 [8:56 PM]: okay isorry i didnt mean it
Shesohsoemo [8:58 PM]: then why would you say it?
BananaMan1214 [8:59 PM]: just fuck off, i am on the internet with hotter girls than you bitch
Shesohsoemo [9:00 PM]: like i would want you
BananaMan1214 [9:01 PM]: you have never seen me so fuck off. you have no life go away

omg ima cry now cuz thats fucked up
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