snagged from leen

Sep 22, 2005 01:59

Paper's almost done.
My soul's starting to itch over Lost... but it's better this way.

LJ Interests meme results

  1. being redheaded:
    I am so lame. But I am interested in myself... this is clear.
  2. dan:
    Who? Oh my... I think this is maybe as in Daniel Radcliffe.. or Harry Potter. I'm about a milimeter away from being a pedophile.
  3. fantasy:
    I don't do well with reality.
  4. hip-hop:
    I like to pretend Chingy or Ludacris would make me their white girl ho.
  5. magic:
    Because it's so magical. "Do you carry an ear around in your pocket all day."
    "Only somedays."
  6. my awesome roomates:
    Shit. I don't live with them anymore. But I pretend like I do.
  7. really smart brian:
    Ha. Reason I'm an English major. Briiian is really smart, and at one point I was interested in him.
  8. sharks:
    Cuz they're sweet.
  9. the doors:
    See 8.
  10. water:
    uh.. hydration is.. good?

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