Pirate Pants

Mar 31, 2008 16:28

So, a little while back, I wrote a little drabble called "An Awkward Encounter Involving Pirates". Then I dissapeared off the face of the net because my supervisor started cracking the whip. So now I am, of course, procrastinating while my thesis due date looms closer, and I wrote a sequal. It's very silly. I hope you all enjoy it!

Title: Pirate Pants
Author: imogen_penn
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: D/H
Summary: He tore his mouth away from hers with great effort, “I kidnapped you for ransom miss Granger, but I will take you to my bed for your beauty.” His voice was husky and filled with lust.
“Oh yes Captain,” she cried <-- I'm pretty sure that covers it :)

She stood breathlessly before him, her hair blowing wildly in the rough winds, her torn blouse fluttering over her shoulders, her corset pushing her heaving bosoms high on her chest.

“Wh…what are you going to do with me?” she asked him, her voice husky with fear and a little bit of curiosity. She backed away from him, pressing herself into the bulkhead of the ship.

“Whatever I want,” he replied seductively, “You’re mine now wench. No one will find you this far out at sea, not even your beloved Sir Potter.”

“And…and what is it you want?” She asked him, unconsciously running her tongue over her lips, chapped from the salt air.

“You.” He said simply, closing the distance between them. With one hand he deftly ripped her blouse from her shoulders, leaving her in only her corset and skirt. “And I will have you!” he cried, pulling her against his chest by her tiny waist.

He leaned into her and fiercely pressed his lips against hers. For a moment she resisted, struggled to preserve her chastity. However she couldn’t resist the heat of his lips pressed against her and the hardness of his body. She melted into his embrace, moaning into his mouth.

He tore his mouth away from hers with great effort, “I kidnapped you for ransom miss Granger, but I will take you to my bed for your beauty.” His voice was husky and filled with lust.

“Oh yes Captain,” she cried, all morals abandoned as she threw herself into his arms.

He swept her off her feet and carried her too his cabin. Throwing her across the bed he fell on top of her, pressing himself into her soft, yielding form…


Draco woke up with a start. The charm alarm beside his bed was telling him, in a rather nagging voice, that he really ought to get up if he wanted time to properly coif his hair before breakfast.

He took a quick look under the covers. He was going to need a few minutes before it would be appropriate for him to get up in front of his dorm mates.

“Bloody Granger and her sodding book.” He muttered, flopping back against his pillows and willing himself to stop thinking about heaving bosoms or how good it had felt, in his dream of course, to be pressed up against her.

Instead he concentrated on how good he had looked dressed in leather pants and an open shirt. The sash and sabre had been particularly effective too, he thought. Perhaps, he mused, he ought to go out and buy the outfit. Maybe a corset to anonymously deliver to Granger as well.

He let out an exasperated groan. This was not good.

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