Feb 07, 2009 11:20
1- I've been writing and acting since as far back as I can remember, whenever I'm not doing either, I don't feel alive.
2-When I was a little girl, as a writer, decided that I can only write what I know, and decided that my life was WAY too boring, hence I made the change to try to do something exciting everyday, I've lived up to my expectations and have had an even crazier life so far than I could've imagined as a young Jessie. Best decision I ever made.
3- Mentally, I'm a lot older. Every older person (like 50's and up) has told me i'm an old soul and I get life. I still know how to be a kid though (merpppppp)
4- I LOVE TO DANCE. Anytime. Anywhere. Dance party.
5- I forgive people almost instantly no matter how fucked up they've been, as long as I think they're sincere and aren't trying to hurt me again. It sucks because people take complete advantage of this trait I have, but I can't change and harden myself and not let people in because of this. It's just who I am.
6- I haven't been close to my family since Danielle, my cousin, died. I just can't muster up the strength to get that close and lose somebody that close that's blood, ever again. And I really wish I could, because my family is awesome.
7- The people that I consider my best friends really are just that. The BEST friends. (you know who you are) I know, through thick and thin, exs and new lovers, fights and hugs, they've got my back no matter what. Even though I don't live anywhere near some of them, I don't feel distanced or anything, I still feel the love extremely strong.
8- I love being spontaneous. Not having an agenda, wingin' it. I do it everyday and am never dissappointed.
9- Adventures are the greatest. I've been on many vacations in places most people haven't even heard of, if you ever need a partner in crime call me. I'm ALWAYS down to do something crazy.
10-I LOVE PEOPLE. I love learning about strangers and meeting someone new and finding out what makes them who they are. I love watching people. I love thinking about what they're thinking about or where they're going or what kind of person are they because of they're body language, the way they walk/talk etc. And then I love befriending them and finding out if my predictions were true. I'm usually 50/50.
11- I've only loved one person, he broke my heart, but i'll always love him no matter what. And I know that he'll always love me.
12- I go through people phases. It's really bad, I start hanging out with someone all day, everyday for a couple of months and then one day cut them off cold turkey and pretty much never talk to them again besides once in a blue moon. I don't do it on purpose, people just let me down a lot.
13- It really bothers me when I get into an elevator or something and there's no 13th floor. It's like who are you fooling buddy? I know 13 comes after 12 and I know that even though my floor has a plaque that reads 14, it's still the 13th floor.
14- I've thought I've met people that get me before but I was completely fooled. I've yet to meet someone who just...gets me. I'm starting to wonder if that will ever happen.
15- I party way too much. I'd love to stop but I can't. (see 2, you'll know why)
16- Everytime I see a live play done professionally, I'm moved to tears. It makes me fall in love with acting and the art of performance all over again and fills my body with a warm tingling happy sensation. I should see more plays.
17- The city is where I belong. Everytime I'm there I feel an overwhelming sensation of completeness. i can't wait to move to brooklyn with libs.
18- I am best friends with mainly guys. And all my girls that are my best friends, act like guys. I've been told I have a very guy-like attitude but am still the best parts of a girl.
19- I have an extremely large heart. I get hurt almost everyday. I don't confront most people with my pain because I know it's nothing they do on purpse, it's just something I have to deal with.
20- I can't drink tap water, even when I was little. I used to think there were fish guts in it. If its not filtered or bottled, (with the exception of water fountains for some weird reason) I can't drink it. Even in my house, if I have nothing to drink I'll wait until I go out to buy a drink before I run the faucet.
21- I will always love John, my first NCC director. He had so much faith in me when he didn't even know me and really went on a ledge to let me prove myself, and I did, and I never felt more proud of myself. His undoubting faith in me is something I've never experienced and it feels so good to not be doubted for once in my life. I thanked him, and everytime I see him, thank him because I really don't think he knows how he has deeply touched my life.
22- People think that just because I dated a black guy I only like black men. This just isn't true. I love people, I love making connections and if they happen to be black, so be it. I mean, I love black men, don't get me wrong. There is something so sexy about the way they lick their lips and move and talk. I don't know what it is. But DEFFINATELY not the ONLY type of guy I'm into.
23- My favorite 2 people in history are the Marquis de Sade and Frida Kahlo. Look up the stories of their lives. you'll be amazed at the passion and persistance in which they lived. (2 totally different people, 2 totally different time periods)
24- I love my niece. She's so smart and funny and hasn't let the harshness of this world ruin her beautiful soul (well not yet, shes still so young) I hope she never changes her foundations of this amazing person she is becoming.
25- People doubt my word wayyyyyyyy too much. I pride myself in being real with people and when their insecurities come into play, thats when shit goes down. If we all learned to just trust each other and not be malicious with our intents, this world, this lifetime could be so outstanding. All we need is each other to be real and then there will be NO ROOM for misconceptions.