you dont care how i feel, you dont know anything

Aug 18, 2009 19:09

I need to remember that sleep aids are just that...sleep aids.
I rarely ever take the recommended dose. They help you go to sleep
they're not supposed knock you out and I know this. I guess I like to feel fuzzy, very sedated, and not be able to walk?
That's just bad! I have taken dyphenhidramine or is it diphenhydramine?
With a y or I? I guess I only take it when I'm upset because if I'm okay then I'd rather not sleep.
I feel ignored and sick. I'm from America where we believe in being a quita ...yes I don't really know how to spell that... Drugs make you feel so hollow. I love the name samantha. And Caroline and Oscar and jack.
My mother actually woke me up and made me eat and had the nerve to tell me not to puke! I wasn't hungry,shit. 775 calories so far. Let be empty, and weightless and maybe ill find some peace tonight.
Some one sent me a text message
Against abortion. I am pro choice.
This is what it said:
there once was a girl and she was pregnantmonth 1: hi mommy. im in your stomach. it is very comfortable in here. im not ready to leave yet.month 2: mommy, im still very small. but i cant wait to meet you!month 3: im starting to grow! before you know it, ill be big and strong!month 4: mommy im a girl! arent you proud? i cant wait to be your little princess:)month 5: guess what mommy? i have hair. i really like it. it is soft and fine.month 6: mommy, why are we at the doctor?what is that mean man saying?what is an abortion?what is that needle for? oww oww! mommy stop him! it burns! i cant get away from it!mommy i am an angel. i met this nice man named jesus. he.told me what an abortion was... why dont you want me? i thought you loved me... well i love youjesus told me that he will love me and raise me to be big and strong....*if you are against abortions you will send this to 10 pp
They say a girl. Not a woman. And the doctor is not a mean man
He is brave because he does something
That many people are against, he helps women.
That can't afford to have a baby. They don't get pregnant on purpose
And they go through rough times. They don't deserve to be called whores,sluts
Sinners, murderers, killers or any other
Disrespectful names. I wish my mother had gotten rid of me.
And plus the baby here has her God.
Something I lost. She won't have to live in this shitty world.

Post from mobile portal

blah, pro choice
