Sep 03, 2004 16:22
wow...what a week. i havent even updated eh? its been far as the hectic schedule and the friends and the talking and the shit. at least brians hilarious and greg and scott. those boys are so great.and even havingconflicts with other things..brians hilariouss.thank God for him!
people are SO SHADY. they make other people feel so bad..and cry..when they were in a perfectly good mood! and that deservesd a HUGE doble ve e ffe te!!!!!! (wtf man)
yuok bnow thats why some of us just have each other and thats good enough. it makes us happy enough and that is all that matters. *sigh* and not one of you know who this convorsation relates to so ... yea
tonightim gonna head over to the LWC game against Andrew. we HAVE TO WIN. halli n katie are so cute so going iwth them will be fun. my lil secord and hal hal!this is allf or now...