(no subject)

Sep 30, 2006 23:23

i feel like ass. and my friends need to all come home from their crazy colleges 5 million miles away and visit me because i'm broke and can't really go visit them. or i could but then i'd be more broke. and it would mean taking more days off work. ew. ok so, let's go over everything that's wrong with me because it's always been one of my favorite pastimes in my lj and i haven't been sick in a loooong while and need to vent about it because i keep bitching to the same couple of people and i think they want me to shut up. so, first off, my foot's asleep right now. tingle tingle. asthma sucks. i'm really pissed about that. i have chest pains and back pains and lung pains and blah blah blah blah blah.
maybe i should start from the beginning.
so, this bitch at work got sick and started coughing on everything and she's gross and doesn't cover her mouth. ew. so i go around wiping everything off with alcohol wipes and cleaning my hands every 10 seconds or so and i'm like hey, maybe i won't get sick, i haven't been sick in a couple of months! and then i get a little cold, and i think, ok, this isn't so bad, i can deal with this. it goes away, a few days later asthma kicks in and i can't breathe. wheeze wheeze. so, i don't have an inhaler because i'm retarded and never refilled my last one. boo. luckily my dad's girlfriend had one and i took that. i went to the doctors thinking, maybe it's not asthma, maybe it's something like bronchitis or pnuemonia and i won't have to go on those ridiculous steroids that kill me! of course i'm not that lucky. sooo, prednisone, 4 for 3 days 3 for 3 days 2 for 3 days... you get the point. a couple days later, i'm not feeling any better and i'm like what the fuck this shit should be working and GRRR IM SO ANGRY! i go back to the doctor and she tells me BLAH BLAH BLAH go back on your stupid claritin, go back on all these stupid allergy meds that you don't need because your allergies aren't bothering you because obviously they'll help your asthma. oh yea, and take 5000 more prednisone. so, i'm really happy. and when i mean happy i mean GRRR. and it's 2 weeks later, my chest still hurts, my back still hurts, my breathing is a bit better, but i still feel like shit and all i want to do is sleep. oh, bed you look so tempting. MMMM I LOVE BED. bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed.
let's see, i've missed about a day and a half of classes, i've missed 2 days of work and i felt like ass at a wedding. make it go away? pleaaaaaaaaaase? i'll give you cookies? COOKIE MONSTER! he's my friend. just thought you should know.
i have a headache and i think i may be delirious. i have a slight fever, but i haven't taken any tylenol today so it'll probably go away when i take some. i kept thinking that i might have that mosquito virus thingermabob and i was going to die but i didn't tell anyone because i'd sound like a freak and they'd laugh at me, i mean, it was in the back of my head but i wasn't really worried about it. i don't know how to describe it. oh well. i think you get it. if you don't just nod your head and smile. say cheese for the camera!
i need to go do some homework now. i'm not sure why i wrote about this. i doubt any of you wanted to hear it. but you read, it didn't you. hehe.
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