open } { who's house are you hauntin' tonight?

Feb 05, 2011 16:27

[Here, world. Have a Sam.

He's in a library, somewhere, reading a book about something bad that's eating people. To anyone else he probably seems really creepy, but he promises, he's only just a geek. He really likes books. They're cool.

In fact, he likes this book so much that he's not really paying attention to where he's walking and will probably walk right smack dab into someone if he isn't careful. he's moving from the stacks to one of the tables where he's got a bunch of other books piled up regarding things that eat people.

It's for a job. Don't judge him too much. Feel free to bother.]

[I'm in withdrawal and my go-to place for posting Sam is ... not available till tomorrow. If you want this in a specific verse, specify a verse. If we don't have a verse, but you want it in a specific point in the canon timeline, specify that. If not, you're getting S6-current-canon!Sam. Have at him.]

entry}: rp

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