[shelter] Mama, didn't mean to make you cry ...

Nov 28, 2010 21:16

James: [walks into the kitchen after dinner and gives his mom a smile] Need some help?

Alice: [bright smile] I would love help.

James: [smiles back] Tell me what to do.

Alice: [thinks, then points to the sink] Your sister put away the leftovers but bailed on the dishes.

James: I'm on it. [heads to the sink]

Alice: [smiles] Thank you, honey.

James: No problem. [and just starts washing dishes]

Alice: [hums and gets back to her work]

James: [is quiet for a while as he washes dishes, before glancing back at her] So, uh. Can I talk to you about something?

Alice: Anything honey.

James: [is quiet for a minute] So ... I ... did something. Bad. And ... I know that this is going to probably hurt to hear, but really, Mom, it's the last thing I wanted to do. Okay?

Alice: [and now she's scared] What is it? [puts everything down and turns to him with wide eyes]

James: [looks over at her and it's obvious that he really feels terrible about this] You know when I went out of town a little while ago?

Alice: [nods slowly] Yeah..

James: I ... I went with my girlfriend, for her birthday. To Vegas.

Alice: [slow brow raise] Girlfriend?

James: Yeah. S-Sara-Rose Westen. We've been seeing each other for a few years.

Alice: [mouth agape...trying to form words but not really succeeding] ...years?

James: We ... kept it quiet because we didn't want her dad to murder me?

Alice: Years?

James: We ... got really good at it.

Alice: [looks hurt] And you...never told me?

James: We were going to. Really. We were just trying to find the right time.

Alice: [nods, biting her lip. then turns away to busy herself with cleaning] And this is the daughter of the woman your father and uncle mutually dislike...

James: Yeah. But ... she's not like her mom. At least ... not like the parts that Dad and Uncle Dean complain about.

Alice: I never said she was.

James: [pauses, and nods before going back to the dishes]

Alice: [sighs] Well you're a grownup, James. You can make your own decisions and date who you want to date.

James: [is quiet for a while, before] That wasn't the bad part. [he's not making eye contact. He's already feeling like crap about this, but he needs to get it all out]

Alice: [cringes] Oh god James. Did you knock her up?

James: No! No. But, uh. We may have ... gotten married.

Alice: [pales and freezes in her spot]

James: I'm sorry, Mom. I'm really, really sorry. It was stupid, and we were drunk, and not thinking and ... I love her. A lot. So it probably would have happened eventually anyway, but ... I didn't want it to happen like this.

Alice: [takes awhile before she can take a deep breath and nod and move to busy herself again]

James: [has got big sad eyes and he stops doing the dishes for a minute, before moving forward and reaching for Alice's elbow] Mom?

Alice: [is trying very hard to not let on how disappointed she is, she'll nod again] B-but you love her? I mean...this isn't some...one week marriage thing?

James: [is quiet for a minute, and nods] Yeah. It's the real deal.

Alice: [plasters on a smile. It may be a bit forced, but she's happy for him too. It's just bittersweet] Then...I'm happy for you. The real deal is....hard to find.

James: I really am sorry, Mom. I didn't want to do it like this.

Alice: It's your life, James.

James: [watches her then nods, letting his head hang a bit. then he turns and goes back to the dishes again]

Alice: I'm...going to see if we left any dishes in the dining room. [heads for the door]

James: [quietly] Okay.

Rachel: [and Alice nods and bolts out the door, and after a few minutes Rachel hesitantly peeks in] ...I take it you told?

James: ... Yeah.

Rachel: [walks in] And?

James: Not good.

Rachel: [frowns, then just goes over and throws her arms around her big brother]

James: [hugs her back tightly, because man, he needs it] Dad's gonna kill me.

Rachel: Why would Dad kill you?

James: I'm pretty sure I just made Mom cry.

Rachel: She'll get over it.

James: I hate this.

Rachel: Breaking big news is never simple. [smirks and nudges him] Trust me.

James: You weren't shutting everyone you care about out of a major life event.

Rachel: You didn't do it on purpose.

James: I still feel like crap about it.

Rachel: [leans up to kiss his cheek] If it helps, I still love you.

James: [small smile] It does. Thanks.

Rachel: Mom will bounce back. She always does.

James: I know.

Rachel: [teasing now] So have you called your wife?

James: [eye roll] Not yet.

Rachel: Should I leave you alone to do that?

James: [pulls back and nods]

Rachel: If you need me I'll be having turkey-coma snuggling with my hot girlfriend. [sticks tongue out]

James: [sticks his out back] If I do, I'll find you.

Rachel: [kisses his cheek again before she goes]

James: [lets her go and goes to call Sara-Rose]

Rachel: [goes to find Claudia]


Alice: [after her conversation with James, she leaves the kitchen and eventually finds her way to the patio off of the living room. She insisted on having a place with a patio like this]

Sam: [saw his children hugging in the kitchen. is immediately suspicious and goes to find his wife] Hey.

Alice: [is outside, hugging herself, watching the city] Hi.

Sam: [moves closer, sliding his arms around her, brushing a kiss to her temple] Everything okay?

Alice: [sighs and leans against him] My babies don't need me anymore.

Sam: Well, they were gonna grow up eventually, sweetheart.

Alice: I know that. [might be a little snappish]

Sam: [recoils a bit, before turning to look at her] Alice, what's going on?

Alice: [blunt] James got married without us. To Bela Talbot's daughter.

Sam: .... What?

Alice: I'd lay low if I were you.

Sam: What .... when?

Alice: When he was out of town last month.

Sam: .... I'm gonna kill him.

Alice: Okay.

Sam: He doesn't even say anything about dating anyone, and all of the sudden he comes home married.

Alice: [eyes are tearing up, but she'll just nod]

Sam: [huffs and turns to face her a little more before pulling her in closer]

Alice: Next thing you know Rachie's never going to come home again. She'll be too busy with her new life.

Sam: [softly] That's not gonna happen.

Alice: You see how happy she is.

Sam: Yeah, but apparently she has a better head on her shoulders than her brother does. And she loves you.

Alice: Which my son apparently doesn't.

Sam: [presses a kiss to her forehead] He loves you. He's just an idiot.

Alice: Why couldn't he just tell me? Would our reactions be so terrible?

Sam: No. Of course not.

Alice: I get the being drunk and stupid thing...I hate it, but I get it. But him not telling us for years that he's with someone?

Sam: I don't know.

Alice: I'm his [mother]. He's never not told me things.

Sam: It's probably more my fault than yours. With my and Bela's history ...

Alice: Fine. I'll blame you. [but her voice is tired and she doesn't really mean it]

Sam: [nods, just resting his lips on top of her head] Okay.

Alice: [sighs] Love you.

Sam: I love you too.

Alice: [just pouts]

Sam: [smirks a bit as he leans in to kiss her] Don't do that.

Alice: What?

Sam: Pout.

Alice: Why not?

Sam: Cuz it makes me wanna kiss you and I don't think that'll help right now.

Alice: I should be a better mom and just be happpy for him.

Sam: I think you're allowed to be a little pissed off here.

Alice: And what if Rach never gets married? I'll never get to see my kids married off.

Sam: We'll figure it out.

Alice: Promise?

Sam: Promise.

Alice: [just clings to him]

Sam: [lets her cling]

entry}: rp

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