[jmm] On the count of three ...

May 12, 2010 17:57

[Set in supermantonight. Dean is jstliketherifle and mine to use and abuse and Paige is justgonnaramble and used without permission but lots of love. Everyone else is an NPC. Set post-series for Sam and Dean, so after the Apocalypse and things have been normal for a while.]

“Alright, Phil, on the count of three … ”


Sam sighed heavily as he half-stood, half-sat in the four foot end of the pool. His daughter was standing on the edge of the pool in her swim suit, looking between him and the water with worried eyes. She was two, it was her first trip to the pool, and Sam was trying to get her to jump. So far, that plan seemed to be crashing and burning at an alarming rate. Philipa was just standing on the edge of the pool, looking over into the water like it was going to swallow her whole. Sam sighed heavily, before moving closer to the wall, placing his hands on either side of her as he looked up at her.

“C’mon sweetheart. It’s not gonna hurt you.”

“It’s deep, Daddy! It’s deeper than me!”

“I know, Phil, but that’s what I’m here for. I’m gonna catch you.”

“No, you’ll drop me!”

“Damn, Sammy, your own kid doesn’t even have any faith in you.”

Sam glared over at his brother, who was a few feet away, completely not paying attention before Chris and Wyatt tackled him, forcing him under the water. He shook his head, before turning back towards Philipa, giving her a small smile. “I’m not gonna drop you.”



“Crossyourheartandhopetodiestickaneedleinyoureye?” It all came out in a rush of one word, which was made even less intelligible by the fact that she was two, but Sam knew exactly what she meant. He gave her a smile before leaning in closer to her.

“If I drop you, you can go hang out with Mom for the rest of the time and I promise to never make you do it again.”

Philipa glanced back at her mother over her shoulder, and Paige just gave her a grin and a thumbs up. She turned back to Sam again, looking even more apprehensive than she had a few minutes ago. But she swallowed and turned back to him with a nod. “Pinky promise you won’t?”

Sam held up his pinky and let it hook around hers, before pushing back from the wall a bit to give her some room to jump. “Ready?” She nodded, shifting to crouch down a bit against the wall of the pool and Sam smiled before holding out his hands. “One … two … three … ”

Philipa pushed off the wall launching herself into the air as best she could and Sam caught her under her arms, feeling her wrap her arms around his neck as he dipped down into the water a bit, looking at her to see her looking back at him with a surprised smile.

“It’s cold!”

“It’ll warm up in a bit,” he said, matching her smile with a grin. “You just have to get used to it.”

“You caught me!”

“I said I would, didn’t I?” he teased, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

“Yeeaaaaah,” she sighed, resting against him as he fingers trailed through the water at hand level, just getting a feel for it. “The water still smells funny.”

Sam laughed a bit at that, before nodding. “Yeah, that’s the chlorine.” Philipa was just about to ask him why, when Sam looked up and spotted Chris hurtling himself towards the edge of the pool and pulling his knees into his chest.


“Chris, no!”


When the water cleared, Philipa was choking and when the choking stopped she was in tears, turning from her father and reaching for Paige who was on the other side of the pool.

“Out! Out out lemme out!”

Sam handed his daughter off to Paige, before turning back to Chris and raising an eyebrow. Chris just blinked back at him innocently before responding.

“What? What’d I do?”

Wyatt smirked as he moved to the side of the pool to get out of his brother and uncle’s way. “Swim, dude. Swim now.”

656 words

with}: dean winchester, with}: philipa winchester, with}: wyatt halliwell, with}: paige matthews, with}: chris halliwell

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