wow no posts yet about it, I'm surprised. hope that doesn't mean people thought it was that bad.
for one thing, I don't like Lucy as the new narrator, she's too much of a pushover. and the thing I predicted when I first heard about her being the narrator so far is true. there's hardly any daydream fantasies, I think there were only 2 for the whole 1-hour episode. a lot of the naïveté and silliness of JD's narration is gone, and that was probably the most fun part of the show being inside his head.
I also don't like Cole at all. he seems like nothing more than a less-perverted, less-funny version of Todd. do we really need another one?
I like Denise a lot more than last season though. I would have liked to hear her as the new narrator.
it seems like the whole in-class teaching thing doesn't have as much comic potential as the actual hospital scenes. does anyone else think that? although JD's class with the Miley Cyrus mix CD thing was great, but Dr. Cox's class scenes were really kinda weak I thought.
overall, I think I'm gonna have to give it another couple weeks before I decide. but I'm gonna watch it all the way through either way. I'll just chalk it up to getting used to the new cast.
any other opinions?