Here's a video from CNN of the governor praying for rain: What a fucktard.
It's not just an embarrassment to Georgians, it's an embarrassment to Christians, whose religion is reduced to begging their invisible sky pixie for rain. I use the term "reduced", but I don't actually mean to suggest that Christianity is typically more substantive than petty requests that are repeated over and over until the asker finds something - anything to point to and say that god has answered their prayers.
I'm sure when rain reaches Georgia, they'll all be out there boasting that their fervent wishing worked, despite the fact that they'll still be deep in drought. God never seems to do actually helpful things, like snap his fingers and fill the reservoirs up with his many magic powers. He somehow only does things which happen all the time anyway. How strange.
I wonder how the Georgians would react if he was out there asking any other diety for help. They'd probably be outraged and calling for his resignation. The religious right would be up in arms. It'd be a new front in the "War on God". Of course, since Christianity is entirely different from all those other silly religions, my wondering is completely irrelevant.