Feb 17, 2010 15:02
I've been coming and going since the day I was born." ~ Bright Eyes
Best Valentine's Day ever. Levi took me on a surprise date to breakfast at "Egg" in Williamsburg. The food there was sweet and inexpensive and different, and we somehow made it there before the rush. Afterward, he took me to Chinatown for the Chinese New Year. The place was nuts! In Roosevelt Park there was a Chinese grandma drumline type thing, an all-male cymbol band (they guys were smoking while they played), several dudes on trailers holding huge drums, the singing of the Chinese and American national anthems (which actually sounded like they were being played on a tape player and were sung adorably behind the music), and firecrackers! Which made Chinatown sound like a war zone. They also had the dragon dance thing (my favorite) and it seemed to be a competition amongst the dragons to see which one could eat a head of lettuce hanging from a string attached to a stick the fastest. Hilarious. The streets were filled with people (and tiny kids in traditional Chinese garb) shooting confetti guns all over the place. As each one was shot everyone would exclaim, "ahhh." It cracked me up. Levi bought me a confetti gun to shoot and we got Boba tea together. And then he went to work. So much better than a traditional V-Day. I love how that guy not only knows that I love to be surprised, but also that I hate cliche crap.
I went to a pretty bumpin' open mic with Angela the other night at a cutesy cafe in the West Village. I really liked all the musicians and comedians that played there. Another reason why I'm happy to be home.
I was finally present to witness snow in NYC! This makes me happy. This city is so much prettier in the snow.
Recently I was reading back through old things I've written, and realized that I used to have so much more artsy, meaningful things to say, and I think it's because I was less happy back then. What is it about misery that inspires people to be so artistic? Why can't I write beautiful, deep things about being happy?