Deciding on taking a break from my Creative Writing 1st draft work, I decided to take up on
ai-demo-nai's challenge of sharing my entire Gazette collection. It's not nearly as pretty or organized as her amazing alice nine. collection, but it kind of made me realize just how much stuff I have of theirs and how much money I've spent on them thus far over the years which lmfao IS SOBWORTHY. And since others wanted to see, I decided to share it here. :> So there you have it, uhu~.
It's nowhere near complete and even at the realization of how much stuff I do own, I plan on completing it to the best of my abilities over the years. Yes, I'm that determined. Also, I don't own any goods from the band. Not yet at least.
Here, have a general idea.
from left → right & going down ↓
Heisei Banka, M.R.D., Peace and Smile Carnival 2005, NLSG, Peace and Smile Carnival 2009, Decomposition Beauty, Repeated Countless Error, & DIM SCENE
Madara PV clips, FILM BUG I & FILM BUG II
from left → right & going down ↓
Cassis, REGRET (Optical Impression), Filth in the beauty (Optical Impression), Hyena (Optical & Audio Impressions), Guren (Optical & Audio Impressions), LEECH (Optical & Audio Impressions), DISTRESS & COMA (Optical & Audio Impressions)
BEFORE I DECAY (Can't find the other version that I owned..), SHIVER (Optical & Audio Impressions), RED (Optical & Audio Impressions), & PLEDGE (Optical Impressions A + B & Audio Impression)
Uh.. a shit ton of them. And these are just the ones that have Gazette on the cover. Some noteworthy ones include Hevn 013, R&R 005 & 033, ZY MEGAEDITION, a few Garish Rooms, THE END OF STILLNESS pamphlet, Gazette in Yoyogi & the Uruha special from Arena.
AND YEAH, THERE YOU ALL HAVE IT. |D This doesn't include posters, calendars, postcards, photosets, etcetcetc. If I added those I'd never finish and I was getting tired. You know how heavy those magazines are?!
Enjoy, haha.