(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 22:06

Hmmm...I have no idea how to start this shit. ...also, sort of distracted, as am on the phone with tha bahfren.


Gerard Way - Resident drama queen slash expert at blow jobs. Also, he has the power to make and control ice. Particularly fond of starting impromptu snowball fights, which he always wins. Little does he know, Mikey keeps an ice chest full of ice shavings precisely for such occasion.

Mikey Way - Keeper of the books and wrangler of the aforementioned drama queen. He's telekinetic (not telepathic) and, when asleep or in a trance-like state, can create an astral projection of his body, which is capable of going through walls, locked doors, etc, but cannot physically touch anything.

Frank Iero - He likes to get fucked. Really. Sometimes he doubles as a bartender, if it's absolutely necessary, but generally speaking he prefers to be a rent-boy. Frankie, at first, thinks he has no powers. Then he finds out that he can go through walls and turn invisible.

Bob Bryar - Bouncer and sound technician on the nights that the boys (and girls, w/e) display their "talents" on stage. He can turn himself into a peculiar metal that is immune to fire damage and can withstand particularly heavy force. It works best when he's pissed. Hence all the bouncing.

Ray Toro - DJ, sound technician, and lovable frizzball. Ray started working at The Brothel when he realized that, hey, all those loans and grants he took out to learn how to be a music teacher? Definitely more than he could afford. He doesn't mind the promiscuity of the place, really, as he grew up half in the slums and has seen some pretty rank shit in his day. Ray has a force field. Also, he can emit small psychic blasts that affect peoples' minds. It's sort of chill but too many give him a headache.

Pete Wentz - Local slut extraordinaire. He's a lot of a tease, and a flirt, and he's absolutely shameless when it comes to showing off his body. (Which actually caused The Brothel some trouble back when pictures of him started showing up on the internet. They were investigated for prostitution. It was not a pleasant month.) He vibrates when he gets excited, which is often, and he's capable of causing earthquakes. Usually small ones, as anything he tries on a large scale tires him out way too quickly for it to do any damage.

Patrick Stump - He's a maitre'd of sorts, as well as acting as server and go-between for the boys and the customers. He can teleport. Not far, but hey, whatever, it's teleportation, so it's cool. He helps Ray DJ sometimes, if he's really in the mood to be social.

Joe Trohman - Joe is an electrician slash exotic dancer. He specializes in numbers involving the pole and a pair of sequined boxer briefs that Pete bought him as a joke one Mardi Gras when they were all wasted beyond belief. He also controls fire. Except that unlike Pyro of the X-Men, he can actually create it when necessary. It's easier to work off what's already there, of course.

Andy Hurley - Andy is the lawyer that The Brothel hired forever and a day ago to keep them out of the spotlight of the local law. He's damn good at his job, although every now and then he tries to talk one of the newcomers out of working in such conditions. Not that he really sees anything wrong with it, he's just all about the encouragement. He can run really fast. Like. To the smoothie shop on King Street and back in under two seconds flat. That kind of fast.

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