Aug 09, 2005 18:08
I wrote this stuff wile there. enjoy. and it's kinda really long.
June 30
We're somewher ein Missouri right now wile I'm writing this. I'm not really 100% sure where though, I think WArrington. Weve been in the car for 8 hours now, but it oesn't honestly seem like that long. it hasn't been too bad of a ride. we stopped in a town called effingham. we just put maverick on the dvd player and i'm going to watch it and write more later.
i'm starting to get slightly bored with this movie. but ... *sigh* i'm still going to watch it. and after it's over i might try to go to sleep. but i highly doubt it.
June 31
Ok, last night was one of the worst nights for that that i have ever had. i woke up more than a few times witha killer stiff neck and just an uncomfortable postition.
but anyway, we're somewhere in colorado now and it's baout 10 19 am. we just stopped to eat breakfast and now we're on the move again.
i don't remember colorado looking quite so like kansas. moreover, the road is bumpy which makes it hard to write. so i'm going tos top writing this and go back to listening to billy idol and watching the thus far crappy scenery. oh, and i think the kids behind me like me.
it's 11 09 am and the mountains just came into view.
A red ferari just passed us. and close beind it was a cop.
we got to crooked creek ranch around 2 30 it's now around 5 30. so far i've swam int he ginormus hot tub and the ppol, searched for the dreaded roped course, and wandered around aimlessly.
i thin i may have lost my pillow and sleeping bag in the confusion of unpacking.
right now i'm sitting on my bed eating chips and writing this. but now i think i'll go back to trying to read david copperfield.
August 1
we did the obstacle course last night. it was fun, but it would have been more fun if more people in my group understood the concept of stealth. oh well.
i went to bed after that, at around 11 30/ it's 10 am and i just got back from brekfast and am getting ready to got o the rodeao.
i got my lip pierced today. and i lost my glasses. i'm going to be soo pissed if they don't turn up. but i think they are in the lake.
August 2
not much happened today. we had a crud war and road go-kart thingies. and took a picture of two really hot guys. i swam in the lake with lynsee and reda for a while too. tomarrow i get to ride horses.
jeff fromt he band has fake gauges. but i tlaked to him about it and he said it's cuz he works in an office. "i hope we can still be friends." yeah jeff, you rock, even if ur gauges suck.
August 3
i took my lip ring out. *sihg* i gotta get it done professionally now! I talkedto jeff (guitar) and amos (singer) and it was cool, we're friends now. we're doing cabin time right now but i don't feel like paying atttention so i'm writing. oh yeah, the food here rocks!
August 4
it's one-ish in the morning right now and yesterday was really fun. we had a disco psrty and i danced with kyle twice and we held hands a little. it was fun ... he's cute. i'm going to bed!
we hiked up a mountain earlier. it kinda sucked. but the band sang the whoel way up adn we played big booty at the halfway point. kyle said nice rack durn\ing extreme rythm and motion. it rained all the way down and that kinda sucked.
oh yeah, yesterday we rode horses . it was wet and they were sliipping around a lot. my horse's name was george and she was a girl. "good girl george."
we sat outside for 1/2 an hour "talking to God". that was bullshit so i just went to sleep. kyle, the uber hot basist, got all wet on stage. itw as amazing. not much else happened tonight.
August 5
i bought everyone gift thingies. we did the ropes course but i chose not to do it. and i bought a picture of the band and they are all ognan sign it. so far only zac and micah have though. otnight is the formal dinner and everoyone is exited that i'm going tobe wearing a skirt.
a lot hapened today. we had our last club and jenny talked about missionary trips and i think that's something i think wold be interesting. t o go to a foriegn country and help pepple whoa re poor and shite. and if anyone thigks it's dumb they can stfu.
August 6
after the last club i was talking to kyle and he asked if he could have a hug and so i hugged him and he hugged back really firmly and he said he was glad i came to camp. it was awsome. then the band all signed my shirt and my picture of them.
it's about one o clock in the morning right now and we jsut finished packing. we're getting up at 6 45 int he morning. oh yeah, i speant a whole week hanging out wiht ally who is british so i picke dup some new b rittish slang words and i've been writing chapter three of my story all week so it is really long.