Благая весть

Apr 07, 2010 22:57

Только что написал про атеистический смысл пасхи, как Папа римский, Бенедикт 16-й в своем традиционном пасхальном обращении признал возможность физического бессмертия на земле:

"... the whole of humanity’s anguish at the destiny of illness, pain and death that has been imposed upon us. Man’s resistance to death becomes evident: somewhere - people have constantly thought - there must be some cure for death. Sooner or later it should be possible to find the remedy not only for this or that illness, but for our ultimate destiny - for death itself. Surely the medicine of immortality must exist. Today too, the search for a source of healing continues. Modern medical science strives, if not exactly to exclude death, at least to eliminate as many as possible of its causes, to postpone it further and further, to prolong life more and more. But let us reflect for a moment: what would it really be like if we were to succeed, perhaps not in excluding death totally, but in postponing it indefinitely, in reaching an age of several hundred years? Would that be a good thing? Humanity would become extraordinarily old, there would be no more room for youth. Capacity for innovation would die, and endless life would be no paradise, if anything a condemnation. The true cure for death must be different. It cannot lead simply to an indefinite prolongation of this current life. It would have to transform our lives from within. It would need to create a new life within us, truly fit for eternity: it would need to transform us in such a way as not to come to an end with death, but only then to begin in fullness. What is new and exciting in the Christian message, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, was and is that we are told: yes indeed, this cure for death, this true medicine of immortality, does exist. It has been found. It is within our reach. In baptism, this medicine is given to us. A new life begins in us, a life that matures in faith and is not extinguished by the death of the old life, but is only then fully revealed."

Несмотря на заблуждение Папы о постарении, и возможной угрозе "3-кй фазы Ганди" (противостояние) со стороны Ватикана это весьма положительный, milestone в направлении принятия иммортализма в мире

оригинал здесь, см конец первого абзаца:

UPD: Если уж АЦЦКАЯ СЕКТА такое признает, значит месседж иммортализма мы (bvvjhnfkbcns) хорошо раскрутили. Про аццкую секту, несмотря на неоднозначность личности спикера хорошо сказано здесь:

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продление жизни, иммортализм, церковь

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