
Jan 02, 2006 13:22

I'm going insane.

I was practicing the violin today, and I wanted to throw it at the wall. I couldn't finish my homework, because every little noise my brothers made pissed me off. Even the click-click of the keyboard is making me mad.

-_- I need sleep, or something. But I'm not tired. I want to go shopping or something. Get my mind off of how much I'm dreading going back to school tomorrow. But no, my mom doesn't feel good. So I'm stuck in this stupid house for the rest of the day. And I have a feeling the rest of the day is going to go by very, very slowly.

Veeeeeeery, veeeeeery slooooooooooooowlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I'm just so sick of sitting around. I want to go somewhere, do something, see someone. ..and I want to Photoshop. But no, I'm grounded from the computer. I'm only on now because I really, REALLY needed to rant, and because my mom's upstairs laying in bed.

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