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Nov 01, 2004 18:58

Holllaa.  First day back from Mass.  I missed my own bed but thats about it lol  It was mayham there.  I left school at 11:30 came home to get my stuff n then we were off.  Colin n I got on the bus at 1 and the first story I told him was of how the last time some guy couldnt get into the bathroom even though there was a sign right on the door of a picture showing that you push inwards and we came to the conclusion that it happened because it was dark out and he couldnt see... not even 5 minutes later it happened again but it was broad day light out and I was rolling.  People are stupid.  So we get off the bus and get on the Train and head to Braintree and was picked up by Grandpa and Chris.  We get there and my Grandma goes "Heyy whip it out chris youre friends are here" and we were like WHAT!?  lol!  We still to this moment dont know why or what she meant by that, we were afraid to ask.  So we settled in and headed off to Wollaston and the Ocean.  We also went and saw Jarrod and Evan at work and shared some stories.  Jarrod told us to go into Chinatown because we told him we were going into Boston and he told us of shoot outs and all this madd stuff.  I wanted to go but I dont think anyone else did lol  After we went home, got a couple phone calls, had dinner, and went out for the night into Boston.  Grandpa told us to get off at Park Street and we did but we wanted to be in Downtown so we walked all the way there and got food.  Next thing we knew we were in Chinatown, I was hella happy but the bois werent so they made me turn around lol  So it was 11:30 when we were down waiting for the Train and 3 Ashmonts went by and on that last 3rd one the guy yelled out "I told you to get on this, this was the last one!" and we were like... what the shit.  So the next Ashmont came and we got on that, happened to be that the Braintree one broke down.  So we got off at JFK and took a shuttle bus somewhere after a couple drop offs and got back on the the Train but they had to wait until the last 1 o clock Train came through and the shuttle bus brought them all the way to where we were.  The three of us were on our own cart and we raised hell.  It was awesome.  I went rolling down the aisle and Chris and Colin were swinging off the bars haha  At 1:30 we finally left and got to Braintree at like 2 and Grandma and Grandpa didnt believe us and were mad but whatever.  After a couple hours of sleep we went into Boston for the Red Socks Parade which was insane.. last I heard it was 3.2 million people there.  There was a lady infront of my waiving a voodoo doll basically sayin they won because of her lol it was so funny.  Once the Parade got over we went into McDonalds, got food, and went into some stores.  In the toy store there was a huge lego guy of a bajillion pieces bigger then me lol  I was playing with it until I realized the sign said not to haha  Then we went back to Braintree to nap and relax.  Cindy, Tony and Ashley came over and we had fun.  Tony and I had a scaring game and me and Ashley talked about how our schools suck :-)  lol  Then Colin, Chris and I went to the South Shore Plaza mall where I got a pink Shady hat, its hott.  I lost the guys, and then hung out with two reallyyyy fine guys who were 18 and 19 and we looked for the guys and found them what seemed like hours later but it was fine with me, who complains about being with hot guys?  ..Not I lol  Once we left there we went to Best Buy and then home.  I showered and was downstairs and Jarrod came up and had a stink bomb and put it into the bathroom when Chris was in the shower and it was so funny.  Then later on he was lighting off fireworks and he through a firecracker on the porch and it landed on Colin and burnt him and then exploded lol  Then when we went inside we saw a lot of light in a cornor of the porch and we thought it was a strobe so I open the door and Grandmas decorative witch (that she put up there because she thought someone was going to steal it) was a-blaze and so was the house.  I was of no help, if it hadve just been me there the house wouldnt be lol  I ran in circles screaming "FIRE!".  I hate fire, so instead I acted like I had a tail that was just stepped on lol  Funniest thing ever.  Then we got yelled at by Grandma.  They still havent figured out that their house was on fire... but the witch was a little hard to hide, there was barely anything left of her hahaha.  Not to mention she smelled like shit on fire, wonder what she was made of?  Anyways, went to bed and got up at 12:30, went to McDonalds and went to another part of the Ocean and took a lot of pictures.  Because Klubbens film blows one of the canisters dropped and the cap came off, I retook all the pictures I could and the ones I couldnt ended up being fine today when I developed them.  Shittay film overall though.  Sucks.  O well.  After we got readi for Halloween and then took off on our way home.  Chris came home today though.  Good times, Good times... I kinda got sick of  being on the Train every 5 seconds, but hey, it was worth it and I still love the city :-D 
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