Why is it that the man just can't listen? He keeps wanting me to magically change reality to suit what he wants/need. Example (see e-mail cut below)
My Response:
Okay, I'll call you when I get home tonight.
Also for the password, I don't remember which one I used because the system kept making me change it. If its been too long since that log in has been used then the password might have expired and then TJ would have to rest the password.
E-mail One
This Saturday I can come by at 2pm to take a look at what needs to be done and come up with a plan and start working on it.
Will that work for you?
immortalthief, B is here working on our systm and we are trying to login to the network server but we aren't having any luck. It comes up 'thief old user name' but none of the passwords I have seem to work. It would be great if you could call us.
E-mail Two
Stepmother and I are going to the lake on Saturday to get some items. Can you give me a call and talk to me for a few moments.
My Response:
Okay, I'll call you when I get home tonight.
Also for the password, I don't remember which one I used because the system kept making me change it. If its been too long since that log in has been used then the password might have expired and then TJ would have to rest the password.
Email Three (Didn't I just address this?):
Can you take a few guesses of what it might be?
My Reply:
Honestly, if none of the passwords that I gave you are working then the password has probably expired so there is nothing I can do.