Birthday and District 9 reviews- Spoiler Free

Aug 27, 2009 09:30

Birthday yesterday was mostly good.

1) Read a book
2)watched an ep of a show (don't ask which b/c I am embarrased)
3) did a little workout
4) had lunch at favorite salad place
5) saw lots of BF
6) had great sushi at Kabuki

7)FUCK PETER JACKSON and the directors of District 9

They managed to make what few action seens they had boring (how is that possible). I haven't been that bored when watching a movie since I saw 'Salems Lot". If you are looking for action go see GI Joe. If you want a boring movie about humanity then go see district 9.

lightbane_v1 called it a 'sedate scifi drama'. Yep sedate is ther right word. He of course enjoyed it.
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