Mar 31, 2005 23:02
spit is good for two things: digesting food and helping to clean a bloody wound.
too bad blood tastes icky.. because if it tasted good i would be an emo kid.
or am i?
moving on, i just got home from seeing a musical over at las po. it was called Honk! and it was the story of the ugly duckling. they did quite a good job for the most part, but ive been comparing the DHS musical with that one and i have come the this conclusion: we're fucked.
i actually realized this the day i went to do the lights and watched the horrible rehersal. the singing was a mixture of nails on a chalk board and cats screeching.. and all the blocking (stage movement for you non-drama geeks) was terribly uncoordinated. it was like watching a train wreck.
involving two trains and a person smashed between.
and normally when a production really bites i say "well at least the lights are good." hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.. ::cries bloody emo tears of sorrow::
my lights suck. the main light that lights the stage is out and I need a new lamp for it or the whole show wont have enough light. but IF (and thats a BIG if) IF cline pulls through and gets me a lamp for that light then i would have to change all the cues that i set to accomidate the fact that i dont have the monster light. GAH.
at least im not IN the show... no one pays attention to who does the lights except other tech kids. and those are rare and few.
in local news i went to Bee's house yesterday and it was the most fun ever. we laughed our way through Hannibal and played Bingo with Chris and Tad. and listened to some really crappy music. but that was on of the best parts because we discovered STARFOX! oh mannn. some losers didnt show up though and that was their loss.
bee and i decided that there needs to be a sequel to Hannibal. where he and clarece have kids that he eats when she gives birth because hes been waiting 9 months for them to "come out of the oven" hahahahaha.
and then she gives birth to some furry ones and hannibal eats her because she cheated on him with Starfox and then hannibal and Starfox get married and make babies.
its the best idea ever and i fully intend to pitch the idea to some movie companies.