Aug 15, 2005 12:08
So I'm home from Maryland. w00t. I'm back to normal sanity and such...go me.
We left a week and a day ago (the Sunday before last) and headed down to Pennsylvania. My mom took LizNoah, Jake, and I to Hershey Park a week ago (last Monday).....yum. That's all I have to say. And then Tuesday we left for Maryland. Down at my grandparents we went to the beach briefly, we went to Baltimore to the aquarium, and other stuff....too minute to really remember...oh! I went shopping too. My grandma bought me a Beatles shirt and some jeans..and then we went to Target. Target rocks. It's seriously so much better than WalMart....Anyway. That's about it. Except for mouthing off to my grandpa....which is the next point in my rant/update/whatever.
My grandpa is a frickin control freak. Like, you don't even want to KNOW how controlling he is. Every frickin thing I did had to have a reason.....MY GOD! It drove me FUCKIN' INSANE!!! That and he was just....bleh. So I didn't feel like putting up with his crap, so I just talked back to him. And it's not just now that he's like this. Apparently it was 10 times worse when my mom was growing up. But he's like this more so now than before. See, my grandpa has prostate and lung cancer, and a lung disease. The doctors gave him 3 years to live. He's lived 5. And so we don't know how much longer he'll live...and apparently he's really scared. And now I'm feeling extremely guilty because that may very possibly have been my last time seeing him alive. And I didn't want to have that be his last memory of me; I just don't put up with crap. But looking back on it I could've been nicer...:-( I'm such a bitch sometimes.
Why do you people put up with me?!
Well, I gots to go...I'm off to go see Dukes of Hazzard with Chester later....I'll update more in a bit.