New updates....several blogs at once!

Apr 11, 2005 10:03

Thursday, March 31, 2005
LIfe is dull and pointless.....I think
Current mood: morose
Ok, Maybe the boyfriend isn't the only one with seperation issues. I miss him terribly and I just saw him yesterday... I dunno, I think I get far too attached too easy. I wish that I was still living with him. But life sucks and we have to deal with it sometimes. I, enough with the I wish's. I fear I might be being just a tad emo....*shrinks back in fear* I dunno, I'm just, I guess that's the word for it...if there was a word for the way I'm feeling. And I'm going stir crazy too.... I wish I either had school or work or both.....I'm quite restless. Hnnn... I dunno. But anyways, I gotta go, the cousin just came back from Montana and I wanna spend some time with him. ((And I know my grammar and spelling and stuff suck today but i really don't care.)) A Biento.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
ok maybe life isn't so bad
Current mood: calm
You know, maybe life isn't so bad....but it sure is boring without certain people to lighten it up *winks* you know who you are. You know, my whole new group of friends rocks, much better than the old some ways. I still miss Spark, Diva and all the rest...but at least this group keeps me out of trouble? Right? Right.... I'm starting to have a bit of a better outlook on things lately. I still have my racing thanks to Julie, but it's a relief. It's good entertainment too.... Races...I love them!?! I think I'm gonna drag Tink to an even t too...prolly the first one. I think he'd love it. What about you guys? ((Oh, and for those of you who have transport, i think you might like it too. Entry is $8 and it's at Rocky Mountain Speedway.)) The first event is May 13th. I can't wait. Cars, wrecks, demolition derbies, car jumping...... It's the thrill of a life time....for me anyways. *sighs* I miss you guys...ok Ya, i know it's only been about a day. But lnow what? I've never encountered a bunch of people that I could stand as long as I have you guys. you're all good friends, and one of you, well, he knows what he means to me. I tell him every day. *Rolls eyes* He's turned me into a hopeless romantic and all that mush.... he he, not that I wasn't sorta one before. lol. But anyways, I gotta Jet. I love you all!

Sunday, April 10, 2005
Races and Animation Show!
Current mood: bouncy
Ok Guys, I need to know who might be attending races. So if you could leave a comment on my blog that would be great. I promise, they'll be a hell of a lot of fun. ((And the bigger my aunt's cheering section is, the better...she really needs the support )) So let me know ok? Oh and as for animation show....I'm definately going next year. THAT ROCKED MUCH HOUSE! Though I must say that Guard dog and Fallen Art were my favorites. Fallen art was a perfect follow up to the Cathedral..... But anyways, not much to say this time unfortunately. So I'll cya later guys. Oh and don't forget to let me know about races!!!!
Love you all!

Monday, April 11, 2005
All For The Tinker Gnome
Current mood: bored
Have you guys looked outside today?!? It's crazy....SNOW EVERYWHERE and every school in the state of colorado is closed. You know it's bad when EVEN Englewood shuts down their schools. SNOW SUCKS! EXCEPT WHEN IT MAKES SNOW DAYS! OK... is this like a flash back from two years ago or something?!? Did we somehow go back in time.......WHO BUILT THE TIME MACHINE AND DIDN'T TELL ME??????????????????????????????????? OK...ya, well I'm definately snowed in..... I MISS my boys..........RESCUE ME FROM THE INFERNAL BOREDOME!!!!!!!!! MOOO!!!!!!!! But I g2g so I'll ttyl.
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