Excerpt from today's inner dialogue (how we got here is unimportant): "I don't believe in Art! It's all crap! Just something people made up to explain whatever may or may not be behind their creative impulses, something to work against - an entirely human construct! Like God! ... Oh... maybe I am an atheist..."
More evidence that the concept of art is crap. The part about "The films of Tim Burton and Peter Greenaway are also steeped in the baroque tradition, she says, drawing in the audience because they are so amazing to look at. ... This has brought criticism, particularly in the case of Tim Burton's works, that while the surface is undeniably dazzling, there is not much going on underneath," is key. My jaw dropped and I literally could not alter my expression for a good 90 seconds after I read that. Even now, my rage burns with the fire of a thousand suns when I look upon that statement.
So... that was my day.
Also, I started using the Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine shampoo and conditioner, and after one use my hair is noticeably smoother and quite shiny.