((Locked to those who know of Duncan's Immortality))
Let me start this off by saying that I hate politics.
That said, I'm sure you all know about the Russian revolution back in 1917. Riots broke out, and the Socialist Revolutionary Party was formed. You had the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks, you had the aristocracy dying out, and you had economic hardships throughout the land.
Around that time, I was just a common worker. No one special, but I was lovers friends with Katerina Abernova and her family. She was a countess prior to the Revolution, and afterwards she was simply a "comrade", the same as me. And yet, she, along with her siblings Alexandra and Ilya, were arrested by an Immortal known as Arthur Drakov.
What could I do? I thought over the possibilities on how to save them, and there was really only one. I had to take Drakov's head. Of course, it wasn't that simple... it's never that simple. He exiled them, saving them from the firing squad, and I gave her a bag of diamonds for a fresh start in life. In exchange for all of this, though, Drakov and I made a bargain -- neither of us would go after the other unless we were the last two Immortals standing. I was younger then, desperate, and I didn't think that we would cross paths again.
Like I said, it's never that simple.
Drakov turned up later in 1994 as a man named Arthur Drake. We crossed paths, and I would have left him alone if not for one person. Eli Jarmel. He tried to shoot Drake right before my eyes, yet I stopped him. I couldn't explain to him why Drake had to live, but Eli told me very clearly why he had to die. Drake had become a Nazi during World War II and had killed all of Eli's family. Shot them and hung their bodies in front of Eli's music store in Romania.
Eli was right, of course. The man would keep killing, but I'd made a promise to him, just as he had to me. I couldn't go back on that, or at least that was what I kept telling myself until Drake's men shot Eli. Pure evil. That was how Eli had described Drake, and I really couldn't find a way to disagree. The only thing holding me back from taking his head was my promise. My honor.
But what good is an honorable promise made to someone who doesn't deserve it?
I broke my vow. I took Drake's head and swore to Eli on his deathbed that he would never have to worry about the man again. I... I don't know if I did the right thing, though. I pride myself on my honor, so what should someone do when a man like Drake comes along? When he kills over and over again, for no other reason than to kill -- do you stand idly by and watch because of a "promise" made years ago? Do you lose your honor by taking a stand?
Like I said, I've never liked politics. I still don't.
Muse : Duncan MacLeod
Fandom : Highlander
Word Count : 523