Jan 03, 2007 01:35
((Locked to those who know of Duncan's Immortality))
You'd think that after hundreds of years, I'd be able to say that there isn't a single thing left that I haven't done or hoped for, but I can't say that. It changes from year to year, the small things that I'd like. A new car, because I miss that old Thunderbird. Time with Joe, laughing over a Guinness. To know with absolute certainty that Aidan's going to be okay without me there looking over his shoulder. (Here's the part where I'd normally say, "Just kidding, Aidan", but I know I'm too overprotective so... deal with it, kid.)
I guess, actually, the little things don't really change as much as you'd think, but they "fluctuate", is more the word I'm looking for here. Which thing I want the most at that particular moment, that sort of deal.
Now, I could go on about the one thing that is with every Immortal who has half a brain, and that's survival. We all want to live, and to live without fear. Fear of beheadings, of taking the wrong turn at an alley at night... fear of having to walk the world simply living with that feeling inside you all the damn time. But, I've been told that I'd come across as "too broody" if I actually went into any great length about that, so here's what I'd actually like for the new year:
I'd like all my friends to stop calling me a boy scout. Really. It's been a few centuries of laughs, but can't you cut me some slack? Please?
Muse : Duncan MacLeod
Fandom : Highlander
Word Count : 267
theatrical muse