Jul 15, 2005 03:09
Past few days have been interesting and fun. It's been awhile since i've had the opportunity to play GM. It made me remember how much i love doing it. There is just a thrill, for me, when i'm doing GM that..i can control the scenery, in a blink of an eye. Though that really isn't...why i enjoy it. I enjoy it because i am creating things so everyone else can react off of it and have fun.
Having fun is why i enjoy GM. I enjoy giving everyone something to do that is thrilling AND fun at the same time. My fun is giving other's fun.
I remember i used to do small mini GM's in other rps. small because they were for two people or so. I always enjoyed creating NPCs so they could die. because that's what NPCs are for. Though when i do NPCs, i tend to control them so everyone can react. React and have an actual fight and not just slaughter things.
The key to rp, just like in acting, is to react. React to the environment, react to the dialogue, react to objects, react to people. RP is reaction. It is reaction and consequence. And GM is the epitamy of that, at least for me.
I could probably GM every night just random things. I know i could. It's fun for me. It also means that i can interact with everyone. I wasn't entirely joking, Jadey, when i said i could easily make GM my main char. Because i could. Random settings, random plots, random quests...nothing planned or preordained. I love that type of rp. Nothing can go wrong because there is nothing Planned to GO wrong.
it's so simple, i love it.