Title: Introducing Timothy Messer
Author: JE /
immortaljePairing: Danny/OC
Summary: Danny introduces his son.
Rating: FRC
AN: When
nerfgunqueen mentioned that most stories where Danny has a kid are either scurile mpregs, a mean mother or Danny keeping it secret I was jumped with several bunnies who have him happy with the mother. This is one of them. Be warned... it's cute.
AN2: I checked out a website for references on what he could do at a couple of months old, but I don't really know anything about infant developement so I hope it's believable.
Beta: AlexT/Dom
Introducing Timothy Messer
When Stella saw Danny leave the elevator on his free day she was surprised for a moment until she saw the baby in Danny’s arms. Coming closer, she couldn’t help but coo at the little boy who promptly grinned at her happily.
“Looks even more beautiful than on the pictures,” said Stella to Danny without breaking her focus on Timothy Messer.
Danny grinned proudly, “I figured it was time for the official introduction after terrorising all of you with pictures these last months.”
“Can I,” asked Stella, holding her arms out to take Tim.
Danny handed him over, kissing his son on the head to keep him calm. Before any of them could say anything, he had already grabbed for Stella’s hair. While Danny tried to loosen the grip, Stella laughed. This boy was definitely a Messer.
Together they went to the break room where Sheldon and Lindsay were just taking a break. When they heard the happy gurgle of a child they looked up to find Stella talking to a small baby with Danny standing next to her.
“Is that...?” asked Lindsay with a smile.
Danny answered proudly, “Little Timothy. Thought it was high time he met all of you.”
“What did your girlfriend say?” asked Sheldon.
Danny smirked, “That I shouldn’t let him around anything that would harm him and to be back for feeding time.”
While Sheldon and Danny talked, Tim enjoyed being the centre of attention, laughing happily when he was tickled. It didn’t take long for Mac to join them. When he saw Stella and Lindsay handling the baby boy he smiled.
To Danny he said, “Already hoping to get people to vouch for him when he’s going to join the academy?”
“He could always take after his mother and start teaching,” said Danny, “But I figured he should know you guys anyway. Now if the ladies would share.”
Stella grinned at Danny while handing his son back, “Always spoiling our fun. You sure you didn’t give up your charm when he was born.”
“I didn’t. I just don’t want him to get all the women before he knows what to do with them,” responded Danny, causing everybody to laugh.
It was then that he noticed Tim getting tired again. Securing him in the carrying strap, Danny said, “Guess the time’s over. Don’t want to get into any trouble for over exerting him after all.”
A final round of goodbyes and Danny left the lab for the day. Happier now that the people he was working with now knew just how lovable his son was. He was sure that Tim wouldn’t be able to save himself from honourable aunts and uncles when he got older.
The End