Unfortunately not on the rag.

May 25, 2008 23:53

I have a lot of thank-yous to say and comments to reply to that I was waiting until Wednesday to do, but then fiendling and I went out to dinner and we witnessed An Incident that I had to relay -- in a public entry, no less.


Cut for the squeamish. Because it's kiiiiiiiind of gross. )

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iibnf May 26 2008, 08:23:19 UTC
Hmm... I had that happen at school once - I had no idea I'd had my period, but as we were leaving class I felt the wet when I stood up and a boy behind me did a massive kind of lurch away in disgust reaction. He wasn't rude or anything, but obviously pretty shocked. So I just went home.

We had oatmeal coloured uniforms. WHO THE FUCK THINKS OATMEAL SKIRTS ARE GOOD FOR TEENAGE GIRLS? ARGH so we had a thing 'Am I cool?' and other girls would check for us. If we weren't cool, we'd do the cardigan. If we saw someone who wasn't cool, we'd rush up and give them a hug from behind them march them down to my house because I was close to the school.

It happened once at college, I got blood all over the seat and didn't realise, and a woman I was in college with pointed it out, she said 'you sat in something' and I cleaned myself up, came back and cleaned the chair (thankfully hard plastic) and then had to explain it to her. She was at least 18 and had no idea what periods were. Weird.

I also saw a woman on the train station who had blood on a cream coloured skirt, so I pointed it out and then suggested she use her jacket to cover it when she started to panic.

Oh, I got a period on the plane once, white jeans, unexpected period, 18 hours with pads in the suitcase, unreachable. Black leather jacket worn like a shielf for a loooooong flight. Never worn white jeans or skirts or oatmeal ever again.


immortalis May 28 2008, 19:20:34 UTC
Oh god, that last one is so horrible! I don't know what I'd do. Stories like these are exactly why I don't wear any kind of skirts/pants/dresses in light colors unless I know for certain that there is no risk whatsoever. And how can you be 18 and not know what a period is??? In my high school we had khaki pants as our uniform and we weren't allowed to tie jackets or anything around our waists. Bastards. It came close to being noticeable for me one day, but luckily I was saved. It's so stupid to not have tampon/pad dispensers in bathrooms in high schools.


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