You ever have one of those days when you just don't know what the hell you want to do. Well I'm having one of those days. I went to sleep around 7 p.m. and woke up about 11. I just couldn't sleep. I have 1 letter to answer. Yes, quite amazing. I'm caught up. I'll type that up here shortly. Then I'll be done. I thought about reading somemore, but decided against it. I'm currently reading on "The Hobbit". I'm only like 100 pages into it. After I finished reading "Eragon" I haven't been much in the mood to write.
Yesterday we went to Midland and shopped some. I bought 4 CD's. Which is something I rarely do. I use to download all my things off Kazaa, but I just don't feel like doing that shit anymore. Alot of the CD's I want to buy, I'm going to have to go online and get. The only place to buy CD's around here is in Midland at Best Buy. And that happens to be 30 minutes from here. This dumb ass place took out our record store. Which makes no sense whatsoever. The Cd's I go today were HIM, Korn, Static-X, and Nickleback. Joey bought a couple of ICP's CD's. Right now, I'm listening to HIM. Yes, I'm actually listening to music while I'm on the computer. I hardly ever do that. I use to do it all the time, but stopped for a while since our computer was screwed up. Since he put XP on it, it has been working much better. Which is a big plus.
I need to order some London After Midnight one of these days. I had a shitload of them download on Kazaa and never had the chance to download. Guess what happens? All of em' got erased one day. Joey didn't know that I hadn't burnt them yet. :0
I may go check out this forum I just recently joined. I haven't been there in quite a while. Here's the link if anyone's interested in checking the place out. It's for vampire lover's and such.
Click here If it doesn't work and you wanna check it out, let me know. I'm know to mess up my html codes. Me and html just don't get along very much.
You know, I can tell when I'm confused on what I want to do, when I actually turn my Yahoo and MSN messangers on when I get on the computer. I actually don't care to be disturbed at the moment. I'm usually on and off here real quick and don't have time to chat. Which is bad of me I know? I have so many names on those things of people I don't know who they are. I need to download my AIM back on here. It hasn't been done since everything got erased on here.
We bought another parakeet today so the other one will have a little buddy so he won't hide all the time. Well he actually can't hide in this new cage we got. Joey picked out the new one. He named him as well. I usually name all the animals, but I didn't care if he named this one. His name is Raziel. Hopefully Armand isn't the opposite sex as Raziel. That's all we need to do is be breeding birds. That happened with Guinea Pigs one time. Oh, what a mess. We had to have 2 cages. Whenever the babies are born, I'm a sucker. I want to keep them all. Same way when we had a bunch of cats. I'd say "Oh, they're so cute, we'll just keep them" Not a good thing.
Well I think I've rambled on long enough. I'm going to post this and then read up on all 3 of my journals. I've haven't done that in awhile. So I don't know what's going on with anyone. :( So until next time. Later!!