you cant hurt me anymore.. or can you?

Jul 21, 2004 16:24

i wish u could feel the pain u
put me threw and 10 times more

nothing hurts more than this rite now.. i thought it would be so differnt. i would try and get over him after crying the whole day and another. but i found a reason to let go and it worked more than nething. i never thougth i could hate u so much. the way u comforted me to the way u hurt me cant be described. things will never be the same.. i seems lyk a huge aweful nightemare! i want it to all go away and i just want to leave and go somewhere where no1 cares bc no1 ever did including the 1 person i gave me heart to and he crushed it. why did it have to be lyk this? my love fades but this pain does not! i never thought id be this hurt.
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