Application for Il Promenade

Jan 05, 2011 05:21

Witty, cocky, and with a taste for freedom and a moderate amount of danger, Balthier seamlessly slips into his self-claimed role as the ‘leading man’-with overtones of debonair Sky Pirate.  His silver tongue and Archadian-bred sense for tact, politics, and what not to ask a lady make him an effortless charmer, when he wants to be, cutting off a girl’s tears or reassuring a princess from the bowels of a failing fortress with an actor’s sense of dramatic timing. In fact, Balthier freely uses theatrical metaphors such as ‘leading man’ or ‘exit, stage right’. His first line in the game is: ‘quite a performance.’ - a line that conveys both his penchant for theatre and an Archadian upbringing.

Having those roots in Archades, Balthier is fastidious about his appearance, usually careful about getting them dirty and often readjusting or brushing off dirt from his clothes. He shows irritation at getting dirty and remarks, wryly, that he hoped there would be a change of clothes at the end of their journey, once.  In fact, his apparel seems to be chosen with much care, expressing attention to detail and refinement with the elaborately tooled leather vest, fine linen, and black leather trousers. Notably, he has one of the best postures in the party, riding even Chocobos with a nobleman’s poise.

There can be no doubt that Balthier identifies most strongly with being a Sky Pirate, however. He pays homage to his present lifestyle with earrings on both ears and colorful rings and bracelets on his left hand, unrepentantly showing off what he had chosen to embrace. That is, if the constant referrals to his work fail to make a mark.

Although generally eloquent of speech, Balthier has had enough experience in the slums of Ivalice to imitate even their coarse manners, picking up and expressing more casual or rougher speech, from time to time. For example, when fighting Seeqs after being imprisoned by Vayne. Though notably, this was only in order to be understood by the unfortunately less-educated inmates.

After all, as the son of one of the most brilliant minds in Ivalice, there can be no doubt upon Balthier's education and intelligence - and he knows it.  A sense of superiority lingers about Balthier’s person, equal parts relic of his Archadian past and his innate intelligence.  Not that there isn’t anything to preen about. With his clever hands, he reconstructed a prototype airship into something of his own, repaired a fortress’ glossair ring engine in the nick of time, and skillfully wields his guns. Added to this, his quick wits and calm logical deduction enable him to see the underlying threads in the plots and politics that happen throughout the game, allowing him to assess the situation and the best way to handle it, long before other party members may have picked up on it.

But just as all who possess a certain degree of intellect, Balthier also tends to be cynical, his wit tending towards sarcastic-- a sharp sheath for an even sharper message. When called for, Balthier’s tongue can be brutally truthful, particularly when it touches on a pet issue such as lusting after power, as he did with the princess who sought power to restore her kingdom. Balthier, after all, holds nothing but contempt for the lust after power or omnipotent stones, having seen it destroy his father and turn him into something that was no longer the man who had brought him up.

Otherwise rarely fazed, he  takes even capture and imprisonment calmly and with an edge of sardonic amusement.  He also maintains a healthy skepticism of almost everything, even rumored-kingslayers, though this may not be to generally accepted public opinion.

Despite being a prickly character and largely motivated by self-interest, however, Balthier has a good heart and his own brand of honor. While he would rather not head to mostly-certain death, nor go looking for unprofitable trouble, he gives a headstrong streetrat with big dreams advice and even teaches him how to pilot his precious Strahl, calms down hysterical girls, and sticks with the party for the entire show--for the price of a ring he returns. Once he has warmed to you, he tends to be loyal.  Fran, his Viera partner, is one case in point.  The entire party had, by the end of the game, bonded to the point of exchanging friendly jokes on their way to save the world.  Moreover,  Balthier stayed behind to fix the engine of a crumbling Sky Fortress in order to save a kingdom not even remotely related to him, except that he had chosen to help its princess-a far cry from his earlier extreme reluctance to help a boy save his kidnapped friend.

However, with the exception Fran, Balthier tends to cut loose from people and places, his spirit restless. The same restlessness, wanderlust, and independence that had pushed him to become a Sky Pirate in the first place. Not jewels or gold, nethicite or any other treasure, which he freely gives up, nothing more than a game prize, when he needs to, but freedom. Open skies. Even his self-interest owes itself in part to this need to live freely, without obligations. This is an innate part of his nature, what truly defines him, when all the trappings of Sky Pirate and leading man are pared to the core-freedom to chart his own destiny. To fly. And it is this uncontainable spirit that the people closest to him understand most, whether they approve of it or not, in his father’s case.  Fran, puts it best, perhaps, in this one line, when urging him to leave her and escape by himself:

“Shouldn’t you best be off? That’s what Sky Pirates do, isn’t it? Fly.”

  • Fairly good with technology; an engineer-inventor-mechanic of sorts.
  • Can pilot an airship, though likely irrelevant.
  • With good speed and stamina, he can use several kinds of weapons, but has a particular fondness for and skill with guns.
  • Balthier’s Quickening  (a limit break skill)


✧ MASK DESIGN: [This] was given to him, but he may choose something less recognizable for practical purposes, later on.


Even a Sky Pirate must have his roost. Balthier’s Place of Solace would be the deserted isle and surrounding water where the Strahl was often moored in period of rest and maintenance. The isle is an uninhabited stretch of rock and sand on open sea, with nothing on its surface that could possibly draw an entrepreneurial eye. However, there is a cove not easily seen nestled in the side of the isle where the Strahl usually banks herself. There is a small encampment for two near the dock.

       ✧ FIRST PERSON:

[voicepost from scorched ]

I’ve seen chamberpots more advanced than these ‘Forges’...  Ah, there’s a switch…  about as ancient as I’d suppose.

Right, then.  I’m in need of assistance in locating a certain woman. She’s quite tall, silver-blonde, and distinctly rabbity around the edges, though I’d not say as much to her face, were I you. You don’t see very many Viera around here, I’d think, but when in doubt, the ears on top of her head ought to give you a hint. The mean left kick and an arrow in your face may just about cinch it.

Verified information on her whereabouts will be rewarded as due.  I will await any informants at the largest tavern in the city, most evenings. Ask for ‘Balthier.

[Third person sample posted below because apparently this post is too large.]


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