Well, today I went to school and basically went through a whole maths paper with my maths teacher because I literally couldn't do it, which was good for my confidence. (y) I'm now doing... chemistry option stuff. Which is kind of interesting. More interesting than physics, I must say.
Anyway, I curled my hair this morning cause I really didn't want to do work and cause I like the smell of my heat protectant combined with my hairspray. Yeah. I'M JUST THAT WEIRD.
Also, Harry Shum Jr. is soooooooooooo cute! See here:
I used to (and kind of still do) associate with Hermione a lot (and not wishing to sound pretentious here) in the whole intelligence thing, and having only a couple of close friends. I'm not as determined as her, though, which sometimes can be bad. I.e. studying for exams.. xD Also not as pretty, but that's mostly cause Emma Watson is just stunning.
I love J.K. Rowling's construction of her character, though. But then again, all of her work is just amazing. Hermione's a surprising character.. there's a lot of depth in her that you might not necessarily see at first, but as the books progress (SEE, BOOKS. I READ THEM.) she and Ron and Harry all reveal more and more of themselves. I mean, with Harry I guess it's implied, since he is the main character and all, but yeah. :)